Chapter Twenty-Two

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Third Person P.O.V

It was New Years Eve.

 Harry was nervous because he thought Draco would want to go to a party. He knew Draco was a light weight so he didn't want that boy anywhere near alcohol. So while Draco was in the shower, Harry laid in the bed thinking if he should just let Draco take him to a party or not. He was chewing on his lip so deep in concentration that he didn't see or hear Draco come back.

"What's on your mind?" Draco asked jumping Harry out of his thought. Harry looked at the blonde still chewing on his lip. "What do you wanna ask me?"

"Are we...are we going to a...a party tonight?" He asked so Draco cocked his head.

"Why would we?"

"It's New Years Eve." Harry answered and Draco's eyes widened.

"Oh I forgot about that." He spoke. "No kitten we don't need to go to a party, only if you want to." Draco answered and Harry shook his head. "Okay then we won't."  He dropped his towel and threw on some green boxers. He walked over to Harry who was still biting his lip. "Harry dear, you're gonna make yourself bleed. Just ask me.0

"Would you um ever get drunk... around me?" He asked and Draco cocked an eyebrow.

"Um I mean maybe in the future," Draco said. "But not in the near future." He answered "Where is this coming from?"

"He... used to get drunk on New Year's Eve, every New Years Eve." Harry confessed, biting his lip again. Draco sighed and put his hand to Harry's hair making him flinch ever so slightly. Draco frowned and sighed.

"He's not going to hurt you anymore Harry. Not if I'm around. I promise you that." Draco said and Harry nodded. Draco could tell Harry was in one of those moods again so he hopped on the bed with Harry and snuggled him close. "What's the matter baby?"

"Are you gonna leave me?" He asked sadly. "Everyone I love leaves me." He said and Draco shook his head.

"I'm not going anywhere Harry, I will be here whether you like it or not. I promise you that. You're my everything Harry Potter and if I lose my everything, what else is left?" Draco asked and Harry shrugged. "Nothing." Draco said. "And we can't have me having nothing because I'm a Malfoy, Malfoy's get what they want." He said and Harry cracked a smile.

"All the time?" Harry challenged.

"Most of the time." Draco chuckled so Harry nuzzled into Draco's neck and kissed him gently.

"Okay." He whispered and Draco gently brought a hand to Harry's hair.

"I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to," Draco stated. "And I'm hoping you don't want me to."

"I don't because then I'll lose my boyfriend and best friend," Harry told him before he lifted his head and kissed Draco's mouth. "I can't lose both of those in one day."

"Then you won't." Draco smile. The two stayed in the cuddling position just taking in each other's scent when Draco spoke up. "Harry?"

             "Mm yes puppy?"

"Do you have a middle name?" Draco asked honestly getting a giggle from the younger boy.

"Yes. It's James after my father," Harry replied. "How about you?"

             "Lucius after mine." Draco chuckled.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy," Harry repeated. "I'll have to remember that when you're in the dog house."

             "Is that a pun?" Draco teased. "Because I'm your puppy?"

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