Chapter ThirtySix

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Harry's P.O.V

I requested to speak with Cedric before I testified despite Draco's numerous protests. As we made our way to the lock up, Draco clutched onto my hand.

"I can't believe you are going to do this Harry." He groaned and I planted a kiss on his lips.

"If I don't face him Draco, I can't ever heal." I said gently to him and he frowned.

"Just be safe, I'll be here." He said and I gave a small smile.

"I will, I love you."

"I love you." He said and he kissed my lips. I went with the guard down past the many yelling inmates. Cedric's eyes widened when I made my way into the meeting cell. I tried relaxing my body so I could talk to him. The guards were waiting outside the cell as it was locked behind me.

"Harry?" He was visibly uncomfortable.

"Sit."I commanded and he quickly obeyed. We sat a few feet away with as a table. His face read so many emotions. Sorrow, discomfort, fear and most importantly regret.

"Harry I'm really sor-" He started but I cut him off.

"Save it." I said and he quickly shut up. "When I woke up almost naked next to you, all I saw was red. I'm not apologizing for beating the shit out of you because you very well deserved it." I hissed. "I don't know what the hell I did to you in the first place to deserve that fucking treatment. You almost ruined my relationship, you hurt me and more importantly you hurt Draco. What you did to me was just plain wrong but you obviously know that. You know you fucked up but let me just tell you how much you actually ruined my life." I said taking a well needed breath. "I was in such a bad state I needed to be sedated in an ambulance, I had to explain to the love of my life why I was caught almost fucking you only to realize that you did in fact fuck me. I had a very invasive exam where they needed to test for your, yes your, DNA. I was then kicked out of school which made me fall back into the emotional state where I needed to be sedated again." I tried keeping my tears in but they naturally flew out of my eyes. "I was forced to leave the comfort of my greatly supportive boyfriend which I hurt because he was so upset. I got back to my hometown where I got my ass handed to me by my abusive uncle. I slumped into a depression which forced Draco to drop out of school and take care of my sorry ass because I couldn't do it anymore. And the worst part is I went to trial and listened to what you..." I swallowed hard. "What you fucking did to me when I couldn't consent." I said and wiped away my tears. I noticed Cedric was crying because his face was buried in his hands. "So tell me now you're sorry Cedric." He looked up at me and the regret and sorrow were still present in his face.

"Obviously sorry isn't enough Harry. I really and I mean really fucked up your life. I can't say anything else because you deserve so much more than that Harry. I still really like you and I deserve to be rotting in a jail cell. But Blaise- Blaise does too." He said and I sighed.

"Why do you think I'm testifying Cedric?" I snapped. "I can't believe you raped me." I said out loud. "Why?"

"Why did I do it?" He asked and I nodded. "I don't have an answer." He said and I nodded.

"Alright well I think I've said everything I needed to say." I said getting up.

"Wait." He said sadly and I caught his gaze.

"Yes?" I asked calmly.

"Do you still hate me? I'd rather die than have you hate me." He said and I sighed.

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now