Chapter Three

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of Suicide and Abuse

Third Person P.O.V

It was the first day of classes for everyone and Harry had about an hour to kill after practice. He walked back to his dorm and Draco was just in his boxers. He sported a six-pack on his pale skin. Harry's eyes widened when he saw him and he slowly made his way to his bed.

"Hey Harry." Draco yawned.

"Do you normally sleep in your boxers?" Harry asked.

"Oh right you've never seen me this early." Draco blushed a little. "Do you have an issue with it?" Harry just shook his head.

"Do you have classes today?" Harry asked Draco.

"Yeah I have song writing at like 11," Draco yawned. "You have English right?"

"Yeah in an hour so I was thinking of relaxing here for a little bit." Harry lied down on his bed. "Hey Draco?"

"Yeah Harry?"

"Last week when you said 'I hope you can trust me soon' what did you mean?"

"Well I mean, trust me. Be okay with me enough to tell me things."

"I think of you as friend Draco," Harry admitted. "A good friend at that. Just because I don't talk about things the way you think I should doesn't mean I don't trust you."

"You trust me?" Draco asked surprised.

"One of the only ones," Harry told him. "You're easy to get along with in my opinion and you're a nice guy."

"Thank you Harry. No one's really said those things to me before."

"Why not?"

"My father, he isn't the nicest businessman in the world so people assume I'd be a stuck up rich kid."

"You're rich?"

"Yeah I feel some people use me for my money instead of getting to know me."

"I want to get to know you." Harry said sitting up. Draco had sat on his own bed and looked at Harry.

"You do?"

"Yeah of course, you're my roommate." Harry smiled shyly. "Like I said, you're a good friend as far as I know and I have some time before class so let's play 20 questions."

"Alright. I want to get to know you more too." Draco smiled and nodded. "Um favorite animal?"



"Favorite color?" Harry asked.

"Green." Draco replied.


"Um favorite subject?" Draco asked.


"Chem." Draco smirked.

"Favorite sport?"

"Wrestling." Draco winked. "I'd assume that's your favorite too." Harry nodded. "Birthday?"

"July 31st."

"June 4th."

"Favorite book?" Harry asked and Draco smiled widely.

"I love a lot of books." He said. "I don't think I can choose."

"Alright," Harry chuckled. "I like The Great Gatsby." Harry admitted.

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now