Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Third Person P.O.V

Harry started stirring and when he woke up, he looked sadly at Draco who was looking sadly at him. They both sat up. Draco contemplated telling him later but he knew sooner would be best.

"Harry, Snape came to visit." He began and Harry hummed in response. "He told me to tell- to tell you that you've been kicked out." Draco spoke softly and Harry frowned even more but he nodded.

"I kind of saw that coming." His voice cracking.

"They're calling your godfather and telling him you're moving in."

"Alright." Harry replied shortly and tried holding in the tears but they rushed out of his eyes. He tried wiping them away but they were too fast. Draco hugged the boy and Harry sobbed into Draco's chest.

"Shh harry it's gonna be okay." Draco assured.

"W-we b-both know t-that's a l-lie," Harry sobbed. "Fuck, D-Draco why c-can't I catch a br-break?" Harry cried harder clutching on to Draco and Draco held the younger boy tighter.

"I don't know, Harry," Draco soothed. "I don't know." Harry grip loosened as he was losing control. Harry clenched his fists so Draco quickly grabbed them and called the nurses to sedate him. Once Harry was sedated, he calmed down and his eyes grew heavy.

"I'm so sorry Draco," Harry whispered. He was in a lying position as Draco was sitting up.

"Don't be Harry, this isn't your fault. None of it is," Draco told him. "You need to rest some more. I'll be outside." Draco kissed Harry's forehead and Harry nodded falling asleep. Draco got out of the bed and walked back into the waiting room where the couple was sleeping.

            "Hermione." Draco whispered walking closer before he shook her gently and she woke up without waking Ron

"Anything else?" She asked.

"They found GHB in his system." Her eyes widened and she nodded to go on. "So they're picking up Cedric," Draco explained. "But um Harry beat Cedric pretty badly in a fit of rage so um he's being kicked out."

"What?!" Hermione yelled waking Ron.

"What's wrong?" Ron jumped awake.

"They're kicking out Harry!" Hermione yelled.

"They can't do that." Ron protested.

"Well Harry beat Cedric up so they can," Draco explained. "Cedric was in the hospital wing so I guess the police are going to talk to him." Draco said taking a deep breath. "So Harry's getting kicked out."

             "Do they know he was raped?"

"Harry doesn't even know you guys know," Draco replied. "So no, the school doesn't know he was and I don't think he would even bring it up."

"When does he need to move out?" Ron questioned.

"When he leaves the hospital. Hopefully tomorrow if he stops with the fits of rage," Draco responded. "They sedated him because he got a little angry when I told him and he wouldn't stop crying."

"Oh dear." Hermione gasped.

"We'll be here for him. We'll let him know that we'll visit him. Where is his godfathers' house?" Ron spoke up.

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