Chapter Twenty-Five

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Harry's P.O.V

"Alright so this project is due next week and it's worth a good chunk of your grade." Professor Picardy informed us "Class dismissed." He taught economics which I took in place of the history I dropped because it had nothing to do with my major.

 I was stressing about the project, I wanted to get a good grade on it because it was worth so much of our grade but I had other homework to worry about.

"So what are you going to do your project on?" Ron asked walking along side me.

"I don't even know. Urbanization or trade affairs maybe," I answered. "What about you?"

"No clue," Ron chuckled. "I was thinking maybe small scale industries."

"That'll work." I said. We walked into the hallway and he needed to go to another class. "Bye Ron, I'll see you later."

"See you later Harry." He said and walked into the classroom as I made my way to the dorm.

            "Hey Harry." Cedric nodded his head walking passed me.

"Hey Cedric." I smiled and continued walking. I walked into my room and Draco wasn't there, he had a class so I sat at the desk and opened up my criminal justice textbook to do my homework.

As I was doing it, I read about different cases and how they were tried in court, I read about a rape case where the girl was drugged, the guy plead not guilty and got off because they had no evidence. I felt bad for the girl but she apparently lives her life as a rape consoler. As I continued reading, I stumbled across a homicide case. It read:

The 1990 shooting of the building was due to a fired employee whom wanted to seek revenge. Tom Riddle or the "Dark lord" as he liked to call himself shot many innocent people, killing around ten and injuring a few dozen. Tom Riddle shot two CEO's that were crucial to the rising company. He also killed the CEO's secretary and her husband who worked in the filing department leaving behind their one year old baby boy. They were the only couple who were killed. Riddle would have received a life time sentence for the many lives he took but he shot himself after the killing spree, killing himself.

I stopped reading and took a deep breath.

            "Harry, are you alright?" Draco's voice spoke up so I jumped and looked at him.

"When did you get back?" I asked him.

"Five minutes ago, you seemed incredibly concentrated so I didn't want to disturb you. Now answer my question." He told me and I scrunched up my face.

"Yeah I'm fine." I told him but bit my lip. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Come 'ere." I said and he walked over to me. I patted my lap and he sat down.

"What?" He asked.

"Read this." I pointed to the passage so scanned through it and then looked up at me.

"Is this-?"

"My parents." I finished and his eyes widened.

"Oh my god."

"I'm in a textbook!" I exclaimed. "It's kind of cool." I said and he just looked at me.

"But the way they died-"

"It's awful I know. But at least the guy who killed them is dead." I said and he gave a small smile before hugging.

"I love you angel, you're so strong." He whispered and I hugged him tightly.

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