Chapter Ten

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Harry's P.O.V

I was released from the hospital and given some pain medication. Draco helped me into our room and gently walked me to the bed. It was Thursday and I was excused from Snape's class but was told I was allowed to go to Astronomy.

"Are you sure you wanna go to class tonight baby?" He asked. "I'll tell the professor that you're still not 100%."

"It's only Astronomy." I told him but winced as I moved so Draco was at my side.

"Harry, if you're not feeling well, please rest." He insisted.

"Draco I need to go to at least some of my classes, I'll lose my scholarship." I groaned and his eyes saddened.

"But you're in pain." He frowned. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back gently and when I pulled way, I gave him a small smile.

"It's nothing I haven't dealt with before babe." I said and his eyes widened with fear. "But I have pain killers and I'll be alright." He kissed me gently.

"Okay." He agreed, resting his forehead to mine.

"Hey Harry we brought- oh." I reluctantly looked away from Draco and looked at a blushing Hermione. Ron was behind her eating a cookie.

"You brought my work?" I questioned causing her to nod so I smiled.

"Thank you." I felt an arm snake around me and I flinched inwardly. Draco quickly retracted his arm and I looked at him. "Sorry."

"Its fine, I should have told you I was going to do it." He insisted. I looked at Hermione and Ron who were awkwardly standing in the doorway.

"Well you can come in." I chuckled so  Hermione smiled and they walked in. Draco stood up quite quickly causing me to flinch again. I sighed and looked down.

"I'm sorry baby." I felt his hand on my chin and he pulled me into a kiss. "I'm gonna sit on my bed so you and your friends have more room." He told me. I nodded and he walked over to his bed and plopped down. Hermione and Ron joined me on my bed and helped me get caught up on the English and Chemistry I missed. 

"Okay well first off McGonagall apologizes for the incident and she hopes you get better." Hermione said and I smiled. "And Snape said he saw you." I nodded. "So we have to do chapter two in Chem and for English, she's excusing you from the in class assignment but you need to write an essay about the next reading assignment."

"We started reading?" I asked.

"You were supposed to be reading!" Hermione shouted and I made a face.

"I haven't started reading either, don't worry." Ron assured. Hermione just glared at us and rolled her eyes.

"Anyway! You need to read chapter one to four and then write an essay about the use of literary devices." She said. I looked at Ron who just shrugged. We heard a chuckle from the bed next to me.

"What's so funny?" Hermione asked.

"I'll have to help Harry with his paper," Draco chuckled. "It doesn't look like he has a clue what you're talking about."

"Is that true?" She asked and I shrugged. "Fine, you're lucky you have a nice enough boyfriend to even help you."

"Nah I'm lucky to have him." Draco stated and I blushed. I cleared my throat and turned to Ron.

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now