Chapter Eighteen

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Harry's P.O.V

            I woke up in Christmas morning feeling great because it was one of the first Christmas' that I was happy. Draco stirred slightly before he woke up and grinned when he saw me looking at him.

            "Merry Christmas, Kitten." He kissed my nose.

            "Merry Christmas, Puppy." I whispered back before sitting up causing him to whimper at the sudden loss of warmth.

            "Come back." He pouted making me chuckle so I lied back down and cuddled closely to him. "I think the best Christmas would we staying in bed with you all day." He whispered.

            "But I need to give you your gift." I told him and he furrowed his brow.

            "But you're enough." He told me.

            "Then I guess I wasted all that money on your gift." I teased and his eyes widened.

            "You spent a lot of money?!" He gasped.

            "No puppy, don't worry about it." I laughed.

            "I don't want you spending a lot of money on me." 

            "But you're so worth it." He kissed me gratefully and rolled on top of me.

            "You're worth it too." He whispered pulling away. I reconnected our lips and kissed back. I swiped my tongue across his bottom lip and we battled for dominance until he won. He was deepening the kissed and moved his hands to my hair. I moaned in the kiss and put my hands on his back.

            "Merry Christmas!" We heard. Draco jumped off of me landing on the ground. Katie was standing there smirking. "Thought I would wake you guys up."

            "Katie!" Draco jumped up. "What did I tell you about knocking?" He scowled.

            "And I told you I would laugh, which is what I'm doing." She chuckled so I laughed and got out of bed.

            "Come on puppy, let's get dressed and we can go downstairs." I said and he smiled.

            "Okay." He kissed my cheek.

            "I'll be downstairs." Katie informed us so we nodded and Draco went to his dresser. He pulled out some semi casual clothes and threw them to me.

            "Wear these."

            "Okay." I slipped them over my boxers and buttoned up the shirt. When I finished getting ready, I looked to him and he was wearing a very similar to me. "We're matching."

            "Yeah, I thought it would be cute." He said before blushing and I grinned. He walked over to me and kissed my lips. "I love you, Harry."
"I love you too, Draco." He smiled and grabbed my hand. We walked out of his room and down the stairs where his parents were. I tensed at the sight of his father but he rubbed circles on my hand with his thumb.

       "Draco! Harry! Come open your gifts." She greeted so I turned to Draco.

            "I've got presents?" I asked.

            "Of course you do!" He said. "It's Christmas."

            "I've never gotten many Christmas presents before."

            "Well there's a first time for everything." He whispered and we walked down the rest of the stairs. He pulled me to my gifts and he handed them to me. I chewed on lip staring at the wrapping paper. He was watching me so I gently unwrapped the present making sure the wrapping didn't rip. It was a box and in the box were silk pajamas. I smiled and thanked them. They ushered me open the others so I started to open everything that was given to me.

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now