Chapter Seven

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Harry's P.O.V

Draco told me to be ready by ten so I did what I was told. I finished getting ready for the day just as he walked back into the room and smiled.

"The car is here so we can leave now." He informed me so I just nodded and followed him out. "Can I put my arm around you?" He asked. I nodded and he slowly slipped his around my shoulders. We walked through the doors of school and there was a car with a driver waiting outside.

"You called for a limo?" I asked.

"No, this is mine." He told me and the driver opened the door. "Go ahead." He smiled.

"Thank you." I nodded to the driver.

"Thank you, Martin." Draco smiled. We got in the back of the limo and they slammed the door. I jumped and my eyes widened but Draco gently put his hand on my knee. "Relax." He spoke softly. "It's okay," I just nodded. We started driving off and I looked out the window as Draco was looking through the channels in the back. There was a small TV in the back with us. He finally found a channel that he liked. "Have you ever watched TV Harry?"

"A little when my relatives weren't paying attention." I answered him.

"Um can I ask you a question?" He asked. I moved my attention from the window to meet his icy gray eyes.

"You don't have to ask Drake, ask away." I smiled. "I trust you enough now to tell you anything."

"Thank you." He blushed slightly. "Um why did you need to live with them? Why not anyone else?" He asked.

"Well I had a godfather. He worked with my parents and he was injured in the murdering spree at their office. But after he was released from the hospital he turned to drugs," I explained. "I got to meet him a few times when he got clean, his boyfriend made him, but um he relapsed after his boyfriend died in battle."

"Wow, you had a sad life." He said and I chuckled.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"What were their names?"

"My godfather was Sirius and his boyfriend was Remus. They were an amazing couple, from what I could tell." I said. I gently put my head on his shoulder and I felt him sigh.

"How did you get through life Harry?" He asked gently putting arm around me.

"Just like you, I never gave up. I found happiness in Justin and he kept me alive until now."

"And now?" He asked.

"I have a wonderful best friend like you." I told him, looking up and he smiled at me. We spent the rest of  the time in relaxed silence.

 We eventually made it to the mall. We got out of the car and thanked the driver, Martin, for getting us there. Draco pulled me in the mall and dragged me to an expensive looking store. 

"Wait, Drake." I stopped him.

"What's wrong?" He stopped in front of the store.

"This looks too expensive." I shook my head. "I can't have you paying for this."

"Harry, I told you yesterday that I will take of you and this is how I'll do it." He told me before pulling me into the store. "Now look for clothes that you would like." I just stared at him and he gave a small smile. "Alright, I'll help you pick out clothes." He told me. He looked through the racks and picked out a few pairs of skinny jeans and dress pants. "We'll start with pants, try these on." He directed. He brought me over to the dressing rooms and I was given a room. "I'll be right here and I want to see the pants on you."

Roommates (A Drarry Fanfiction) (BoyxBoy) (Book 1 of Roommates)Where stories live. Discover now