Chapter 20

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When me and Aunya was in the Bahamas we had to come back early cause nobody was pickin up and when i finally reached some of my niggas they told to hurry up and bring my ass back hime. 

We left a day early to find not only most of my workers dead, but my sister, Tamika, dead. Of coarse i knew who it was! But that's why i never told  anybody about my sister so she wouldn't be like this, but i guess that didn't help none.

Of coarse my sister knew i was a thug and shit, but i didn't tell her much. All she knew was that I did the drug thing. She didn't know who we were at war at or who we were killin'. I didn't tell her none if that because i wanted to protect her. This shit is my fault, i knew i should have took her ass with me. Why was her ass even at the trap house in the first place?!?

She was all i had left.My brother Rick was gone and my other brother Mattew, me and him never talked. He went to college a while back and now he CEO of some big time company. Yea I wouldn't mind being in business with him, but I'm just to much in the game.

After the funeral, Matthew walked up to me.

"I told yall time and time again, to please let this shit go. But yall still ain't gone listen.It don't matter hiw many people get killed in the process, yo mind is still on the drugs and dirty money. Why can't you just let it all go and come with me. You can make money and not worry about yo family diein' and people wathcin' you." I could tell he was gettin' frustrated. He was sick of everyone diein' around him because of the drug game.

"Look I hear you and i will. I just have business to handle."

"What business! Wait, lemme guess. The same people who killed Rick, killed Tamika because they after you. And so you trynna kill them before they get to you right?"

When i didn't answer he knew i was right.

"Look i can't stop you from doin' you, but i can try. I ain't trynna sound harsh or nothin', but you already know that you gone be the next one in the fuckin' dirt! I don't want to be the only one left in the family." He was gonna say somethin' else, but stopped him self. 

"Look i gotta go. If you not fuckin' dead by the time i can, I'll call you." He gave me a hug and said. "Be careful."

I see why Matt is so upset, but i just got to do this for my family......


Two days since all that shit went down and all i felt like doin' right now while i was home alone was calming down. I had just took a long hot bath. I put my hair in a high messy bun, got my grey sweat pants, and my wife beater on.

I went down stairs, fixed me some noodles, sat down on the couch, and turned on the T.V. I saw Baby Boy and turned that on. Yea that was my movie, and it was just startin'? Yep Im' bout to watch this.

About thirty minutes in Baby Boy, someone was knockin in the door. I didn't feel like opening it and i was too into the movie. After about five mintues of knocking my phone ran. Ugh what the hell Kevin want?

"What!" I said gettin' irritated.

"Damn sorry if i ruined what you got goin' on, but can you open the fuckin' door?"

"Nigga hol' up I'm comin. And watch who the fuck you talkin' to." I said then hung up. I got up and hurried to open the door.

"Ain't you suppose to be meetin' my brother?" I said rollin my eyes.

"He told me to meet him here."

"He said he was goin' to meet you, that's why he aint here. Man he fuckin' play to much."

"You sure you didn't tell him to?" Kevin said with a smirk on his face. Damn he was lookin sexy. But i wasn't about to let him know that.

"Look I don't feel like talkin right now so you can let yourself out." I said sitting on the couch to watch Baby Boy.

I heard the door shut, but he didn't leave. He came and sat next to me on the couch. He was sittin really close to me. Damn his colone smelled good.

"Like my new colone? It smell good don't it ma?" He was playin' games. He knew what he was doin'."

"No, but can you scoot the fuck over?" I said trying to push him. He didn't move.

"Can we please just talk?" I didn't answer i just looked at the T.V.

"Nicki." I still didn't answer. "Nicki!" He picked up the remote and turned the T.V. off.

"What the fuck-"

"We need to fuckin talk!" He said.

"Go ahead and talk." I said lookin away from him.

"Look baby, what you walked into was nothin'. I have no feelings for her like i do you. You know I love you and i ain't never said that to no female, but my Aunt and Moma. Look you want me to be honest?" I didn't answer him. "When she came, she had told me some shit. She told me she had a miscarriage, Then she kept tellin' me how you a bitch and all i wanted to do was get her the fuck out. After that she tried to give me head. She did, but I stopped her before she really even started. I was too busy thinkin' about you. Then she started to push up on me and that's when you walked in. Nicki that's all that happened. I didn't fuck her or nothin' cause I'm to in love with you!" I looked him in the eyes and I saw how sorry he was in his eyes. Then i swear i could see tears forming in his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, baby are you crying?" I said touching his face.

"What nahh, it's just hot in here." He said then we laughed. I kissed him then he laid down and i laid on top of him.

"Baby I really am sorry. And i love you." 

"I know and just know that if i find your dick anywhere, but your pants and with me. You won't be able to have kids." I said squeezing his balls through his pants.

"Ight. Alright! Damn shit. Strong ass grip." He said moving my hand. "And don't worry, you'll be carryin' my seed soon." He said winkin' at me.

I laughed and gave him a kiss. "What ever." He smiled and layed on his ches. He turned the T.V. back on and we was watchin Baby Boy.

Damn shit was good right now. That mean some shit about to go down.

Awww Yay Kevin and Nicki back together!!!

~You think Matthew was to hard on JoJo?

~You think JoJo should stop and listen to Mattew?

~Are you happy that Kevin and Nicki back together? ^.^

~What yall think about to happen next?!?!

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