Moo Snuckel-It All Started With A Rose

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kitkatgaming01 this is for you!

I walked into my first class,shy and a bit nervous.I am greeted by the teacher,Mr.Glatzer."Everyone,this is Y/N and she will be joining our class this year.Please take an empty seat."

I sit all the way in the very back."Okay class please ta-" "WAIT!"I look over to the doorway and see a guy that was panting...he looks kinda cute...

"Mr.Brock take a seat."he goes over and sits in his seat...which happens to be in front of me.Throughout class I couldn't focus.Until the bell rang signaling that class has ended.

Le Magical Time Skip~
Finally!Lunch time!I sit down at in the garden,nobody else is there except me.Mostly the teachers come into the garden so,not that many students go.

As I touch a rose,a thorn pricks my finger."Oww"I say as blood starts to form."Do you need a bandage?"I turn back and see the same guy.

"Oh um.No it will stop."he walks over to me and makes me pull my finger towards him."You need to wipe the infection,from your finger."

My face heats up."Here,I have one in my pocket."he pulls out a bandage and gets some water from the hose nearby.

I couldn't help but stare at him as he does this.As he looks up,our eyes meet.I turn and look away blushing." are you new here?"

I nod."Well welcome,I'm Moo or just Brock."
"Y/n." "Well nice to meet you Y/n.There you go,just try not to prick your finger on a thumbtack."We both laugh at this.

"You know you kinda have a cute laugh."I blush at his words."T-Thanks." "I really mean it.Do you have anyone to hang out with?"
"No I don't know anyone except you."

Brock grins at this."Well we have 20 more minutes until fifth period.That gives us enough time to get to know each other."I nod slightly at this.

Le Time Skip-

Me and Brock instantly connected and became best friends,but I want to be more than friends.I grew feelings for him,I guess he doesn't feel the same way.

"Did you hear about the new student?"Brock asks me as we walk down the hallway to the cafeteria."No,who is it?"I ask back."Some girl but you're the only girl I would hang out with."
He says with a laugh.Just as we walk by a classroom,the room swings open and me being stupidly close,get hit,right in the face.

I fall down as Brock crouched down to my level to help me.A girl comes from the door with a worried look on her face."I'm so SORRY!I didn't mean for you to get hurt.

"It's alright.But I think I have to go to the nurses office."As I reach up to my nose,I feel blood trickle down."I'll take you,I should be the on-"the girl was cut off when the teacher came outside because of the commotion.

"You both go,I'll take her."the girl nods as Brock comes close to me."I check into you when I see you."I smile and nod.They both walk off as I get sent to the office.

10 minutes later I was able to go so that ment that I had only 20 minutes left until fifth period.I walked into the cafeteria and didn't see Brock so I headed to the one place we would always hang out...The Garden.

Once I got there I saw him with that girl.I calmly walked to the garden."Hey!"I said."Y/n you're here!"Brock says as he walks over to me.
"I'm fine,do you want to come over to my house and play some video games?"I ask him.

"Sorry Y/n,but I promised Alya I would go over to her house and study."My grin turned to a frown."Well then can I also go?" "Sorry I could only bring 1 person over."The girl named 'Alya' said.

I sigh as I walk to the exit."Y/n where are you going?" "I'm going to my next class,early."I walk out of the garden and into the hallway,walking slowly to my fifth period,Math.

Le Time Skip~
Lately Brock has been spending so much time with Alya.I rarely even see him let alone talk to him.I had enough and went to see him as soon as fourth period was over.

There was no point in him being in the cafeteria so I went straight to the garden.I hid behind the corner when I heard voices."Brock,she threatened me!How can you stand her!?!"Alya said.

"She wouldn't do that Alya."  "She wrote this note to me and left it in my locker!"she handed him a piece of paper.I couldn't hear him because he was mumbling the words.

"I told you!She's a bitch!"I did NOT want to deal with drama so I walked away to my locker to put away and take my books.After a couple of minutes later I heard Brock's voice behind me.

"What the fuck y/n?!?!"Okay now this was weird Brock never swears!"What?"I ask turning around."This!"he threw me a paper and I caught it and looked at it.

I dare you to come near Brock again!Try me!You will always be a fat,useless,and ugly slut!Nobody will love you!Brock is my best friend not yours!Come near him and I will crush you until you are only ash and bone!And if you tell him,I will slit your throat!

I stare at it in utter shock.She framed me!She even managed to copy my handwriting!"B-Brock I never wrote this!" "Save it!I have had enough bullshit from you!" "What bullshit!?!"

"You saying that Alya will die!" "Brock I would never say or do that!" "Oh really?Then give me a reason why?"I took a deep breath."Because I Love You Brock!And I would never hurt the people I consider friends!" He stares at me for a moment.

"Well...too bad,I love Alya,NOT you.You're the one who needs to die and burn in hell."as he says this he walks away.I stare in shock...I knew he wouldn't love me...

Part 2?

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