Vanoss X Neko!Maid!Reader

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"Y/n! I need you!" I hurriedly ran down the huge household that I had worked in.

"Y-Yes Mr.Fong?" I reply hastily. "Can I see your cat ears and tail again?" He asks.

"Uh...alright." I reply with a sigh as I slowly remove my long jacket and my earmuffs. My f/c ears spring out as well as my furry tail.

He begins to softly stroke my tail as a deep blush rises to my face. "U-Uh..." I whisper out as he stands up to my height.

"So soft..."he says as he then moves his hands to my ears. I pur as I feel pleasure. "What a cute kitty." He says.

"I am...a neko." I reply. "But you're still a cute kitty cat in my eyes." He says with a smirk. "M-Mr. Fong-"

"Evan. Call me Evan."

"I should really get back to work," I reply. He didn't take his hands away. I started to pur again as he rubbed over my sensitive area.

"Who says you have to go to work." At this point,he was towering over me like a huge giant." I gulped as he just looked at me.

"E-Evan?" I ask quietly. He pushes me by a nearby wall. I let out a squeak of surprise as his face is inches away from mine.

The man that I've had feelings for,who always seemed distant and cold,was now inches away from my face.

My blushed darkened,if it was possible,and I lost my train of thought. "Y/n..." his hot breath had ticked my face.

"See me after you're done." He says as he walks out the door. I just stood there in shock as I tried recollecting my thoughts?

Was he teasing me? Was he really? I just had to do my work...then I could see him...

No! Get it together! You can't have this type of relationship with your boss! But then again..he did come onto me...

I had made up my mind and put on my jacket and earmuffs and got back to work,eager to finish early.
Finally...I'm done... I sighed as I took a look at my phone. 7:13 great.

I stood outside Evan's office as I was too afraid of what was going to happen next. I stood there for what seemed like a long time.

I finally gathered enough courage to knock on the door softly. A faint "Come in" was muttered and I slowly opened the door.

There at his desk,sat Evan. I slowly walked up to him. He was working on some type of papers. After a couple of moments he finally met my gaze.

He smirked a bit as I tried looking at everything except him. He stood up as I stayed in my same spot.

He walked around his desk as he stood in front of me.  I looked down once again. I could practically hear him smirk.

He lowered his head as I finally decided to look up. "So...can I see the real Y/n?" I knew what he ment of course.

I slowly slid off my jacket and my earmuffs as both my tail and ears sprang out once again.

One of his hands slowly made it to my face as I took a look at him. "You look so adorable." He says as I blush.

He caresses my cheek as I get lost in his chocolate eyes. He slowly leaned in as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

I slowly closed my eyes as my mind was wiped. All I could think about was this moment. My knees became weak under his touch.

He slowly pulled away as he smiled. "Cute kitty. You belong to me now." He says as I blush. "Neko. I'm a neko." I reply.

"Doesn't matter,as long as you're mine."

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