Devil!Cartoonz X Angel!Reader Pt.2

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And ever since that day that they rebelled...they've never been any happier...Except for when that day came.

The angel had fallen sick...terribly sick and there was nothing Luke could do. He knew this was the work of her creator.

"I love you so very much." Is what Luke would say to her each and everyday. She had begun to cough up blood.

"I'm fine." Is what Y/n would say each time Luke looked worried. He had never imagined that all this would happen.

Soon one day...something bad happened...feathers from Y/n's wings began to fall off. This had troubled Luke so much that he cried for her.

And each time he did cry, she would always say "I'm fine." This continued on for years to come and each day it would slowly get worse.

By 3 years, she had lost all the feathers on one of her wings. She showed extreme pain yet she continued with the words, "I'm fine."

Luke knew that she could never be fine after that day. She could barley walk let alone fly. She would only mutter a few words before she became silent.

Luke cursed everything. They had punished his lover and this had made him so very angry. He couldn't take it.

He flew up to the heavens and every angel ran in fear. He walked to the god who was slowly killing his lover.

This god was angry and enraged that a demon would trespass in his realm. But Luke proposed a deal.

After some time...the god allowed it...and that was that...
"Welcome Angel Y/n to heaven!" Said the god as he presented a small little girl with H/c hair. "Hello!" Said the little girl.

And from down in the deepest depths of hell, and in the eternal dungeon where chains were cuffed to his hands and whip marks were present,there remained Luke.

He was smiling because he could see that smile of this little girl that was his lover. A smile that still made him feel good.

And what was the deal you ask? Simply put, Luke offered his soul to be locked away forever in exchange for Y/n being reborn as an angel and having her memories wiped.

For her to be a child angel for the rest of eternity...and the story of the beautiful Angel and the kind Devil...

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