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Sorry to my unknown lover
Someone will love him. But that someone isn't me. He's gone and no longer part of my life. I didn't realize how empty I felt until he actually left.

I thought we could actually be friends forever. I didn't realize these feelings until he ended up finding someone.

I see him happy and I'm just sad. I was there for his late night talks. I remember one night he asked me if it was crazy if he proposed to the girl he was dating.

My heart hurt so much. And I just smiled and nodded. He thanked me for the advice and left with a pocket full of confidence.

The next day I checked my feed and saw that everyone was talking about Marcel proposing to his girlfriend.

I saw the video and saw how happy both of them looked. I saw the ways his eyes sparkled for her.

And then it hit me. He had looked at me that way before he met her. He loved me before he met her. I didn't know and just left.

And now here he is, proposing to someone else. He didn't have anything for me anymore. It was all gone.

I sat there. Watching. And now here I am, watching. At their wedding. I stood in the front row, just watching.

They both looked happy. And I looked happy. But I wasn't. I was so unhappy. I realized I was in love with a guy who was about to get married.

My life flashed before it happened. Our moments. When we first met online. Our first meet-up and weekly talks.

Weekly talks turned into nightly talks, just about our feelings. Now feelings are the only things left within myself.

The nights he called me when he was too drunk to drive. Everything, had reminded me of our past.

And there was no way anything was ever going back to normal. He was married. And I was all alone.

Marcel was just a part of my life I wanted to forget entirely. Yet, I never could or ever can. I would always feel bad.

Even after the wedding he would want me to hang out with him but I just can't ever bring myself to do it.

Everything would come rushing to me and I would regret anything that I would ever try to say.

But tonight was different. I would try to go out with him since the wedding. The wedding was 6 months ago. But I'm only going for a final talk.

Marcel was worried since we haven't really spoken since the wedding night. How am I supposed to talk to someone I know without falling apart.

Yet, here I am, waiting for him at a restaurant. I decided to skip the food and head to the bar. Drinking made me forget about everything.

After 2 rounds, Marcel came up.

"Hey, I didn't think you'd show up tonight. Considering you've been avoiding me." He sat down on the chair next to me.

"Trust me, I have a good reason to." I drink my shot as it burns the back of my throat.

"A round for me. And why's that? Did you get bored of me?" He asks.

"No, it's just. Family." I say finally.

"Okay. Well we have to make up for lost time no?" He asks.

"We could do this." I say laughing.

"Hey I'm never bored of anything having to do with you."

"I don't know how you're not bored of me yet. Seriously you've put up with me for so long." I say.

"Well sometimes putting up with the annoying results in a best friend." He says.

I roll my eyes as I ask the bartender for another shot. "Question. How many shots have you had?"

"I dunno. Probably 4. I don't want to drink so much so this is my last one." I swallow my last drink and look at the counter.

"I've actually never seen you drunk before."

"And you never will."

"So you don't want to come drinking with me again? What a bummer." He pouts.

"It's not that I don't want to. It's that I just can't even if I tried." I retort.

"What do you mean?" I sigh.

"I'm moving back with to my hometown." I say.

"...when?" He asks.

"My plane leaves tonight." I say.

"And you didn't bother telling me? How could you do that? I thought you were my best friend."

"Key word: were." I grab my stuff and head outside.

Marcel runs up to me. "So that's it? You're just going to leave?" He asks.

"There's a reason you're the last person I want to see."

"Why?" He stops me.

"Because I owe it to you Marcel."

"You're gonna owe me by leaving?"

"I just want to forget about everything. You know how hard it was to realize that I fell in love with you after you got a girlfriend?" I ask him.

"Is this what it's about?"

"Yes it is! I didn't know how to feel after you asked me that you wanted to marry her. How was I supposed to feel? I wanted to forget you! I wanted to forget everything!"

"That's why you've been ignoring me. You were just jealous."

"And what? You're going to criticize me? Go ahead. It's not like I'm coming back."

"I just don't understand why you didn't tell me."

"You had a fucking girlfriend you walnut! Are you that stupid that you don't understand or are you just like that!"

"Then just go! I'm fucking married! I don't need you!"
And just like that, I left.

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