chapter 10: cheater.

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Austin's POV

"I- I'll see you tomorrow." was all she said before passing me to get to her house.


I was trying to process the last few things that happened.

but, there was one thing I had to do first.

confront cassidy.

I walked to my house and got into my car. as I drove to her house, anger washed over me.

when I finally got there, I knocked on the door.

I got tired of waiting, and turned the knob of the door. to my surprise, it was unlocked.

I didn't see anyone down stairs, so I figured she was upstairs, her car was in the driveway anyway.

when I got upstairs, I heard faint sounds coming from the room at the end of the hall.

when I got to the door, my hand was on the knob, but sounds from the inside stopped me.

"mm...zach..." I could hear cassidy say. I could feel my anger rising. zach was going out with kassandra...and SHE WAS CHEATING ON ME ALREADY. SERIOUSLY.

ally was right...

"Cassidy! you slutty little bitch." I say as I open the door.

okay...that was a little harsh...

"first you tell everyone that ally's mother died, and now you're about to sleep with kassandra's boyfriend!" I scream at her. she seemed taken back by what I said.

"h-how do you know about ally..." she says, looking down at the ground.

"it doesn't matter how the fuck I found out! all I know is that you're just a slutty, fake, and horrible person." I say, storming out.

I drove home, letting off some steam.

when I was halfway there, my encounter with ally crossed my mind again.

why do I do this for her?

of course I've already thought through this.

I thought I had a thing for her, but then I agreed to go on that date with cassidy, and things just started to go downhill.

but, ally opened up to me. she told me. she told me everything.

and I told her everything.

but- do I have a thing for her?

I mean I always find myself thinking about her.

but it a curious way...if that makes any sense. like I want to know her.

but she doesn't even like me. she doesn't even consider us friends.

but maybe, I had to change that.

I finally got home.

it was already 9, so I decided to get some rest.

I took a shower, and once I was done, I went out to my balcony. I looked across for any sign of ally.

but her curtains were closed and it didn't look like there was any light inside.

I sighed and breathed in the Miami air.

after a while, I felt tired, and headed back inside to my room.

I climbed into bed, and got comfortable under the covers.

my eyelids started to feel heavy, and eventually I drifted off to sleep.


the next morning, I woke up, feeling pretty good for some reason.

I got ready to go to school, and I made it out the door on time.

I walked to school, every once in a whole looking out for ally.

as I was exiting the neighborhood, I saw her, not too far behind, I quickly turned around and walked to her.

"good morning." I said, as I walked by her side.

"morning." was all she said back.

we walked to school in silence, and the first thing I see is kassandra and zach making out.

I glanced at ally, who was still walking by my side, and she seemed to be neutral, just looking ahead to get to school.

I glanced at her one more time before walking over to kassandra and zach.

they kissed for a while, before kassandra noticed me standing there.

"oh...haha sorry about that...what's up austin?" she said with a kind smile.

I looked over at zach, who looked terrified.

"so last night I dropped by cassidy's house, and I saw zach kissing her, and there were no shirts involved." I said to her, and she just looked at me with a shocked expression on her face.

but she soon looked at zach, clearly disgusted.

"is that true!" I decided to leave after that. I didn't mean to mess up their relationship, but she had to know.

I walked through the halls, and I saw ally.

"hey ally." I said, while approaching her.

"hi" was all she said.

"what was that all about?" she asked, when she saw that I hung around her, not going anywhere.

"last night I went over to cassidy's, and I saw her kissing zach. so then I told kassandra just now." I told her.

"oh. I told you she's a slut." she said, before grabbing an algebra 2 textbook, and walking past me.

Ally's POV

I walked to school with austin this morning, and when we got close, I saw him go over to zach and kassandra, who were in the middle of a makeout session.

I decided to ask him about it later, it's kind of a guaranteed thing that I'll be seeing him after school.

I was putting in the combination for my locker when suddenly Austin comes up to me.

what's up with this boy today?

he said hey to me, and I saw that he was still hanging around. I just decided to ask him about what happened now.

"what was that all about?" I ask, and he plainly responds.

"last night I went over to cassidy's, and I saw her kissing zach. so then I told kassandra just now." I told her.

why did he go to Cassidy's? I know he went after he talked to me...his car was gone when I went out to my balcony.

"oh. I told you she's a slut." was all I said, before grabbing my math book and walking away.


at lunch, austin was by my side again.

"ally- aren't you gonna get lunch?" he asked as I walked over to trish.

"no." I said and took my seat next to trish.

"hey all- oh and um austin too."' trish said with a smile.


I'm gonna update more today. this chapter seemed sucky

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