Two: First day of school

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Avery's POV

I came in late because my mom gave me a long lecture about how I couldn't let anyone see the bruises. When I walked in everyone was staring at me. I've already gotten laughed at today.

The teacher, Ms. Lovato, seems nice, but so do all of the other teachers. I know that this is just going to be another year of faking a smile.

About five minutes before lunch, we were allowed to talk to each other. I only talk to Jasmine. We've been best friends since pre-school, but she still doesn't know my secrets. If I were to tell anyone, she'd be the first one I'd tell. But I can't tell anyone, ever. I'll get in trouble.

"How was your summer, Avery?" Jasmine asked.

"It was good," I lied. I hate summer because I'm never away from my Mom unless she goes to work. "How about you?"

"It was great. I went to the zoo and the aquarium."

I like talking to Jasmine because she doesn't get mad at me. I just have to lie a lot. Sometimes my mom gets mad and I get hurt too bad to go to school, and when Jasmine asks where I was, I always say that I was sick. I hate how much I have to lie.

"Let's get lined up for lunch," Ms. Lovato tells the class. I grab my lunch bag and line up with everyone else. We head to the cafeteria, where each class has designated tables. I sit down while mostly everyone else gets in the lunch line to buy their food. Jasmine always brings her lunch, so she sat down with me. I ate my sandwhich, trying to make it last as long as I could. Jasmine offered me some of her Gold Fish, but Mom says it's rude to ask for food, so I don't take any. I'm used to being hungry, so it's okay.

Ms. Lovato came back to the cafeteria once lunch was over. All the teachers came back to get their students. We walked back to class in a single-file line, no talking. It's just the rules.

Demi's POV

After another half hour of class, it was time for recess. Once we were outside, all of the kids ran to wherever they wanted to play. All of the kids, except for Avery. Jasmine had gone to play with the other kids. I watched as Avery walked to a tree and say down in the shade. I decided to follow. I sat down beside her, and she tensed up.

"Hi," I said. She shyly smiled and barely looked at me. It was almost like she was scared to. "Avery, right?" She nodded. "I'm still trying to remember everyone's name." She still wouldn't completely look at me. I also noticed that she was still wearing her sweater. "It's kind of warm out here," I commented. She shrugged her shoulders. "Are you not hot in that sweater?" She quickly shook her head and tugged at her sleeves. I found that kind of odd, but didn't think about it too much.

"It's not too hot," she said without looking up.

There was a long pause before I cleared my throat. "Why aren't you playing out there?"

She shrugged. "It's not fun, I guess."

"What would you rather do?" She shrugged again. I sighed. She didn't talk much. "How do you like school so far?"

"It's good."

"I was kind of nervous for today?"

She looked at me a little more now. "You were?" I nodded. "Why? You're the teacher."

"It's my first year teaching. I was nervous my class wouldn't like me."

She looked back down. "Oh."

"Do you think I'm doing a good job?" She nodded. "I can count on you to tell me truth, right?" She nodded again. "Well that's good." I smiled down at her. She seems sweet, but so shy. I didn't want her to have to stay alone all recess, so I stayed and talked. I did most of the talking while she nodded and shook her head, and occasionally gave an answer to a question that wouldn't have a yes or no answer. I even got a small smile out of her.

Soon, it was time to go back to class.

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