Thirty: Snow

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Demi's POV

"Avery," I said softly as I tried to wake her up. She yawned and stretched out her arms. "Good morning, Princess." She smiled at that, and I smiled back. "Time for school."

"It's so early," she grumbled as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"You've just got to get through this week, then you'll have two weeks off!"

"Oh yeah," she said, smiling as she realized how close to winter break we were.

We both got ourselves ready, ate some breakfast, then left to go to school.

We got there plenty early, so I had enough time to sort out some assignments. Kids started to come in about ten minutes before class started.

They were really noisy today. I don't know what it was, but every kid was talking so much. I kept having to tell them all to stop talking while doing the lesson. Every kid, except for Avery. She rarely talks to anyone.

We had recess in the gym due to the coldness and the snow on the ground. The school can't let them play in it during school hours because the kids could catch a cold, and the parents would get upset. I found that ridiculous. It's snow! Kids should be able to play in snow!

As we left, I noticed Avery trying to avoid the snow. I picked some up and made a snowball. I showed it to her, but she wouldn't touch it. "What's wrong?"

"I was never allowed to play in snow."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because it would get my clothes all wet, and I would get in a lot of trouble. I had to stand outside until I was dry."

That surprised me so much. A little kid like Avery could get really sick if she had to stand outside soaking wet in the cold temperature.

"Well you won't get in trouble for it anymore." I threw the snowball at her feet. "It's fun to throw them sometimes."

She smiled as we made our way to the car.

We got home, and as I was walking to the house, I felt something soft and cold hit my back. I turned around to see Avery giggling. I made a snowball and threw it. She tried to dodge, but wasn't quick enough. She laughed as the snow hit her jacket. She threw another one, so I threw another one. We had a little snowball fight, running around the yard. It lasted for about fifteen minutes before we both decided it was getting too cold.

"I'm all wet," Avery said as we both entered the house.

"It's okay, we can dry off. I walked to my bathroom and grabbed a couple of towels. I wrapped one around Avery. "Go change into some dry clothes and bring your wet ones out to me. She did as I said, and I changed as well. I took both of our wet clothes and threw them in the wash. I gathered some other laundry of about the same color, and started a load.

After Avery had finished her homework, I started cooking dinner.

We ate, watched some TV, then went to bed.

"Momma?" She asked as I tucked her in.

I smiled at her. I loved that she called me that. "Yes, princess?"

"I love you."

I smiled even bigger and kissed her forehead. "I love you, too."

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