Twenty-Seven: "You Promised"

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Demi's POV

When Monday came, Avery was still a little sick. I couldn't miss work because I didn't call ahead of time, so I knew I was going to have to get someone to watch her for me. I knew exactly who to call. My long time friend, Marissa.

"Hello?" I hear a groggy voice answer the phone.

I looked at the clock. Oops. "Sorry, Mar. I know it's seven in the morning, but I have a huge favor to ask."

"What is so important this early in the morning? It's my Monday off of work," she said, obviously disappointed.

"Well now I feel bad for asking," I said with a sigh.

"What's up, Dem? I'll get up for my best friend."

I smiled. "So I have a kid with me, but I have to go to work. Do you mind watching her for the day?" There was a long pause. "Hello?"

"Demi, why do you have a kid?" She asked hesitantly.

"It's kind of a long story."

"How old is she?"


"So you mean to tell me that you have a seven year old, and you never told me?"

"It's only been a few weeks. It's been kind of busy."

"Wait, you said you'd tell me if you ever had a kid. Why didn't you tell me you were planing to adopt?"

"Because I didn't know that I was going to adopt before two weeks ago," I said, getting impatient. "Listen, I'll explain later. But I need to get ready for work. Can you please please please watch her?" I beg.

"Okay, sure. I'll get dressed then head over there."

"Thank you so much, Mar!"


We ended the conversation, and I was excited. I decided to not wake Avery back up. She was really tired when I first woke her up this morning. I'll explain to her why I left when I got home.

Within fifteen minutes, I heard a knock on the door. I greeted Marissa with a huge hug.

"Thank you again so much, Mar!" I said.

"No problem. Anything for you. Can I see the little cutie?"

"Of course." I lead Marissa to Avery's room, careful not to wake the sleeping angel. "Her name is Avery," I whispered.

"She's precious," Marissa replied.

"I know." I shut her door and walked back to the kitchen. "The best thing that's ever happened to me. Listen, I have to go. Make sure she eats and takes her medicine right after she eats. She's been doing better about taking it. I promise, I'll explain everything when I get home. Thanks again." I gave my friend a final hug, then left.

Avery's POV

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Demi woke me up earlier, but decided to not let me go to school. I still don't feel very good. I heard the TV playing in the living room, so I went to sit on the couch with Demi. Except... It wasn't Demi. I had no idea who this person was or where she came from. I came around a little to see her face, and she noticed me.

"Hi, Avery," she said with a smile. How did she know my name? "My name is Marissa, but you can call me Mar if you want. We're going to hang out today."

W-where's Demi?" I asked nervousley.

"She had to go to work," Marissa answered. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head to tell her no. "You need to eat sometime so you can take your medicine." I shook my head again. "Sweetie, you need your medi-"

"NO!" I shouted before running to my room and locking myself in.

Demi's POV

School seemed to drag on for the longest time today. I was worried about how Avery was doing. I didn't hear anything from Marissa. When I got home, I noticed Marissa was on the couch and Avery was no where to be seen.

"Hey," I greeted her.

"Hey," she responded nervously.

"Where's Avery?"

"She came out to see you weren't here, then I suggested breakfast so she could take her medicine, and she freaked out and ran to her room. She locked the door and won't let me in. She won't respond when I try to talk to her. She's been in there all day. I'm sorry, Demi, I didn't know what to do."

I sighed. "It's not your fault. I'll go talk to her." I left Marissa to go to Avery's room. I knocked, no answer. I tried opening the door, and sure enough it was locked. "Avery, honey, it's Demi. Open up." There was still no reply. "I'm home, Avery, let me in."

"No," a weak voice said through the other side.

I thought really hard to remember where I keep the keys to all of the doors in this house. I found them in a draw in the kitchen. I picked them up, and tried them until one worked. It was the third one. I slowly opened the door. "Avery?"

"No," she said again, pushing herself into the wall and hiding her face from me.

"Avery, what's wrong?" She just shook her head. "Come on, talk to me."

She looked at me with red puffy eyes. "You promised!"

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