Forty-Eight:Saved By Wilmer

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Demi's POV

I heard the doorbell ring while I was still in my room. I always told Avery to never open the door alone, so I thought she wouldn't.

But I heard a scream, and I automatically got a sick feeling in my stomach.

I ran to the front door to see it still open. Outside was a man carrying Avery, who was struggling and screaming as much as she could.

"Stop!" I yelled as I ran towards them.

"Momma!" Avery screamed.

I was able to get to them before he made it to the car. I tackled him, making sure he wouldn't fall in a way that he'd land on Avery.

"Hey," he grumbled, trying to hold onto the screaming child.

He didn't had a good grip, so I was able to pull her away. I told her to go inside, but she was too scared to leave me.

The man was now up and grabbed my hair. I quickly turned and my fist connected with his face. It barely stunned him as he threw me to the ground.

I grabbed Avery, making sure he couldn't get to her. She was crying hard as she trembled in my arms.

Seconds later, I heard the unknown man yell.

I looked over, and Wilmer had a tight grip on his neck. Wilmer punched him before throwing him to the ground. This time, the man was trying to escape. Wilmer grabbed his shirt and brought him up.

"Who the hell are you?" Wilmer asked.


"You were trying to hurt them?"


While Wilmer was dealing with him, I ran inside with Avery to call the police. In minutes, I heard the sirens, and the cop cars pulled up in front of the house.

We explained everything, while the man remained silent.

Avery was still trembling after we went back inside.

"You came just in time," I told Wilmer.

"It looked like it. Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head. "No, no I'm fine." I bent down in front of Avery. "Did he hurt you, Avery?"

She just showed me her elbow. It was a miner scratch from when she was pushed to the ground.

In a way, I was relieved that was all that happened.

"Here, let's clean that, okay?"

She nodded, and I took her in the bathroom. Wilmer followed and stood outside the restroom, watching me clean the small wound.

After I was done, Avery held her arms out, except it was for me. She reached out towards Wilmer, who came in and picked her up. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and hid her face. I could tell she was crying, still from fear.

I thought it was so adorable. Wilmer just saved both of us. His terrifying side came out, which only happens when he super mad. And now, he was so sweet, holding the little girl in his arms. He rubbed her back, trying to get her to calm down.

After a while, we sat on the couch to watch TV. Avery was sitting on Wilmer's lap.

"Avery," I said sternly, yet still sympathetic. She looked over at me, waiting for what I was going to say. "What have I told you about answering the door?"

She looked down. "Don't answer the door unless you're with me."


"Because it could be someone dangerous."

"And you see what I mean now?" I asked. She nodded. I placed my hands under her chin to lift her face up. "Avery, I don't know what would happen if I lost you again." Her lip started to quiver and she crawled from Wilmer's lap to mine. I wrapped my arms her. "Have you ever seen that man before?"

"Yes," she said, surprising me.

"Avery, who was he?"

"He was one of them who took me away while I was by the tree. He took me back to my mother."

I'm not good at writing fight scenes 😂 but I hope you liked it anyway.

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