Thirty-Seven: Back Home

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Demi's POV

Today, I get to bring Avery back home. She's well enough that I can take care of her. I'm so thankful for that. I was starting to worry that she wouldn't come through. But she did, and I can't be more grateful.

Although I'm excited, I'm also nervous. She hasn't said a word to me. She has barely spoken at all, just to answer the doctor's questions. It's breaking my heart. The relationship and trust we had before is now gone.

"I don't know what to do," I told Wilmer. He's been so supportive. I'm glad he came to see me.

"She'll come around, eventually," he assured me.

"Will it be soon enough, though?"

"Demi, you've just got to be patient. Give her the time and space she needs. Once she realizes that you still care about her, she'll come out."

"I hope you're right," I sighed. "Thank you for being here."

"It's no problem, but you know I have to go back home soon."

"It's so far away."

"I know," he said sadly, knowing it's part of the reason our relationship didn't work out.

That was the night before. He's gone now, and it's time to take Avery home.

"Avery?" I asked, entering the room. She only glanced up at me, then hid her face from me. "The doctors said you can come home now. Are you ready?" She shrugged in response.

She had nothing with her except what came with her to the hospital, which was just what she was wearing. She had changed from the hospital gown back into those clothes. I went to help her get out of bed, but she flinched away. She was so fearful now. She wouldn't let me hold her hand as we exited the hospital. "Avery, can I please hold your hand in the parking lot? I want to make sure you don't get hit by a car." She shook her head and held her hands close to her chest. "Please, it can be dangerous." She slowly lowered a hand, and I took it. As we walked to my car, I heard her start to sniffle. I just wished she wouldn't be so scared of me. I didn't hurt her.

I helped her get buckled, and I caught a glimpse of the tears rolling down her face. I decided not to mention them. She was obviously trying to hide it.

The car ride was long and silent. Nothing but the radio played as I drove back home.

I opened the door to my house, and there stood all of the unopened Christmas gifts. I had pictured us coming home and having a great Christmas together, and seeing Avery smiling big. But that image went away. She stood inside the house like she had never been here before. She was so timid, so uncomfortable.

Where did my little Princess go?

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