Sixty:"I Miss Wilmer"

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Avery's POV

Wilmer had to leave really early in the morning, but I woke up to tell him good-bye. I didn't want to sleep through it and miss him leaving. I miss him. I know Momma does, too. I could tell by the way she reacted when she saw him after the concert. She was more excited than I was. She loves him, and I can tell he loves her, too. My mother never had a relationship like that. No one ever looked at her the way Wilmer looks at Momma, and my mother never looked at someone the way Momma looks at Wilmer. And my mother never had a relationship last as long as Momma and Wilmer's have. And I never liked any of my mother's boyfriends, but I really like Wilmer. He's funny and really nice.

I just hope Momma and Wilmer will stay together. I've never had a daddy before. Maybe Wilmer will be.

Demi's POV

Avery and I spent all day shopping in NYC. We also saw some Broadway shows, and she absolutely loved them. We had famous New York pizza, and didn't make it back to the hotel before dark. Once again, I carried a sleeping Avery back up to the room. I laid her on the bed, then looked out the window. All of the lights were incredible. I missed traveling. I missed seeing the world. Even though we're still in the states, there's so much to see. I'm so happy Avery came alone with me.

I wish Wilmer could have stayed, though. I miss him, a lot, and I know Avery does to.

I hope that one day, we could be a family. And we could travel the world together. The three of us.

I'm just scared that our different careers are going to separate us. After the last few months, I can't see my life without Wilmer. It's different than before. I don't know why, it just is. I know Avery will be devastated if it doesn't work out.

But I'm getting ahead of things. I haven't even talked to Wilmer about this. About anything. We haven't had the chance to talk seriously.

"Momma," I small whimper came from the bed, pulling me from my thoughts.

I walked over and sat next to Avery, who had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a quiet tone.

"When are we going home?" She asked.

"But Avery, this was only the second show," I explained. "It's going to be a while."

She sniffled. "I miss Wilmer."

"You just saw him."

"But I want to see him again."

I crawled into bed next to her. "I miss him, too. I can find a way to get you back home, but I have to finish this tour."

"But then, I'll miss you."

"I know. I'll miss you, too." I thought for a moment. "How about in the morning, we can FaceTime Wilmer? We have a mid-afternoon flight, so we can talk to him before he goes to work. How's that sound?"

I got a small smile from her. "Okay."

"Alright," I smiled back. I tucked her hair behind her ear. "Don't worry, we'll be back on the road and having fun before you know it. And it isn't the long before we're going back home." I got a small nod and a yawn from her, so I kissed her forehead. "Good night, Princess."

I have more drama coming, but I have to get through this tour first. Any filler chapter ideas? Credit will be given if I use the idea. Leave a comment or message me. I really appreciate it!!

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