Thirty-One: Running Late

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Demi's POV

I didn't realize that I hit the snooze button too many times until it was only ten minutes before we had to leave. I woke up Avery as quickly as I could. "Come on, honey, we're going to be late."

I left her so we could both get changed. I quickly put my hair into a messy ponytail and went to Avery to see if she was almost ready. She was dressed and brushing her teeth. I went back to my bedroom to brush my teeth, then quickly put a lunch together for both of us. It was past time to go, so I checked on Avery again. She was trying to button up her jacket, but she was struggling. "Let me help." I buttoned her last button, then grabbed her hand.

"Is there still snow outside?" Avery asked.

"Yes, but we don't have time to play in it."

I grabbed our bags, lunches, and a couple of bananas before heading out the door. I opened the front passenger seat and set everything in. Then I opened the back passenger door and waited for Avery to get in. When I looked over at her, she was bent down, trying to make a snow ball.

"Avery, I told you. We don't have time."

She dropped what she was doing and ran to the car, quickly climbing in. I got myself settled in the driver's seat, then started backing out. I gave Avery a banana. "Here, you can eat this on the way." She took it, and I started eating mine. I was going as fast as the snow covered roads would let me. We pulled up in the parking lot five minutes before class was supposed to start. I ran in the building, holding Avery's hand.

All of my students were gathered outside of my door. "Sorry, kids," I said as I unlocked and opened the classroom door. Everyone was seated right before the bell rang. I started the math lesson for the day. I passed out a worksheet and did some problems with them, then let them do the rest on their own.

Then we did a reading and spelling lesson.

When we finished the history lesson, it was time for lunch.

I realized that I didn't hand Avery her lunch, so I grabbed hers along with mine. "Thank you," she said quietly with her head low as I handed her the lunch. She was upset about something, but I had no clue what it was. I decided to wait after school to ask her about it.

The kids played in the gym for recess again. After that, my class went to art.

When they came back, we continued on our lessons. We had ten minutes before the bell, so I let them play games. I had brought board games and puzzles. Avery didn't interact with anyone. One girl even invited her to do a puzzle together, but Avery politely refused.

The bell rang, and I got all the kids to put their games away.

Once everyone had left the classroom, I decided to talk to Avery. She was still sitting in her desk, so I knelt down beside her. She wouldn't look at me. "Avery?" I placed a hand on her knee, and she flinched away and looked at me in fear. "Honey, what's wrong?" Her lip began to quiver, and her eyes became glossy.

"I'm sorry," she managed to get out.

"About what?" I was so confused.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad?" I asked.

"This morning when you told me not to play in the snow, and I did anyways. I didn't listen, so I was bad." I few tears escaped her eyes, and she quickly wiped them from her cheeks.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm not mad. You were just still excited about it. And it only took a few seconds to get you in the car. We managed to get here on time. I'm not mad at all." She wiped her eyes again and sniffled. "Come here," I said as I opened my arms. She got out of her desk and into my arms. I hugged her until she was able to stop crying. Then I pulled away. "But next time I say we can't do something, what are you going to do?"

"Listen, and don't do what you told me not to do."

I smiled. "I love you," I said softly.

I got a small smile from her. "I love you, too."

I gathered up everything, and we headed out the building.

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