Thirteen: Saved

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Avery's POV

The next few weeks have gotten a lot colder. Our heater broke at our house, and Mom doesn't want to pay to have it fixed. Ms. Lovato never asks if I'm okay anymore, but she still gives me the sympathetic looks when I come with a new bruise.

I should be used to Mom by now. After seven years, you would think I'd be able to stay out of trouble, but I always seem to be bad in some way. I don't get it.

Lately, I've been wanting to escape. I just hate living with her. I'm always in fear of what she will do next. I'd rather die sometimes than live with Mom.

After school today, as soon as we got home, she went off. She started yelling at me how I'm so ungrateful. I knew she was really drunk. She lifted her hand up, and I flinched away, putting my hands over my face. That's when she grabbed another bottle. She chunked an empty one at my face, and I didn't dodge in time. It stung really badly. I couldn't tell where I was bleeding from. She told me to go back to my room, and I did just that.

I can't stand it anymore. I have to leave. Where could I go?

Demi's POV

It was about half an hour before it was time for me to leave the school. I had a lot to grade, so I had to stay a little later. I don't think most people understand how much work teaching actually is.

I heard a small sniffle, and I saw someone standing in my doorway. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Avery?" I asked. She came running to me, and I knelt down for her to come into my arms. She has a new cut on the side of her face, and she was drenched in the smell of alcohol. I rubbed her back as she cried into me. I was a little in shock. She's not wanted to come close to me, much less hug me. Once she was calming down a bit, I pulled away slightly. "Avery, what happened?" She didn't say anything. I examined her cut. It looked pretty bad. "Come here, let's clean this up." I took her hand and led her into the restroom. I picked her up and sat her on the counter. She was so light. I wet a paper towel and started to clean the dried blood off. I got her a clean paper towel. "Hold this to the cut. I think it shouldn't need stitches. It's not as deep as I thought it was."

She held the paper towel with one hand and held my hand with the other as we walked back to the classroom.

"Does your mom know you're here?" She shook her head. "Did she do this to you?" She slowly nodded, then started to cry again. "Shhhh, it's okay. Listen, I'm going to make sure you aren't going back home with her again. Okay?"

Just then, I heard yelling. "Avery?" Someone screamed. "I know you came here." The voice got closer, and Avery pressed her body against me as I put my hand on her back to comfort her. The person showed herself as she entered the room. I recognized her as Avery's mother. Her mother softened her face as she noticed me. "I knew you were just visiting your teacher. Come on honey, we have to go now." She stuck out her hand to Avery, who slowly shook her head. Her mother's face darkened. "Avery, now." Avery backed behind my legs. Her mother looked up at me. "She's just playing around. You know how kids can be."

"I don't think she's playing," I said. "She's scared."

"I think you should keep to your own business, and stop worrying about my daughter," she spat. "Avery, let's go."

"She's not going with you," I said, keeping Avery behind me protectively.

"Who do you think you are? You can not tell me what my daughter is and isn't going to do."

"And you can't stand here and tell me that you don't hurt Avery."

"She's my daughter, and I raise her the way I like."

"Do you see her?" I ask, raising my voice. "She's scared to death because of you. You cause this girl pain. That is no way to raise a child."

"It is non of your business what goes on in her life. Avery, I'm not going to tell you again." Avery slowly starts to move from behind my legs, but I quickly stop her.

"Avery, no. Don't go with her."

Her mother sarcastically chuckled. "You really want her? You want to take in a seven year old that you don't even know? You want to deal with her and the expenses of having a child?" She scoffed. "You can have her. I don't even care." She threw her arms up as she left the room.

Wow. What a great parent.

I looked down at Avery, who was crying. "Hey, you'll be okay." She nodded. I'm so glad she came to me.

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