Forty-Seven:Big Mistake

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Avery's POV

"Come on, we got to go," Momma said as I finished putting on my shoes. I hopped up and ran to her, grabbing her hand.

"Ready for school?" Momma asked. I smiled and nodded.

School's gotten a lot better. I haven't been as shy, so I have some friends. We like to play at recess, instead of me sitting by the tree all by myself. Also, being with all the other kids makes me feel more safe. I'm less likely to be taken.

This specific day happens to be Friday, Valentine's day. Momma let me pick out little cards with stickers to give to everyone in the class. Every year, I wanted to do it, just like all the other kids. I'm glad I get to hand them out this year, with Momma!

The classroom filled up quickly. Once roll was taken and everyone settled down, we exchanged our little cards. I got a lot of cute ones with a lot of different characters! I got animals, Disney princesses, Disney TV shows, and a lot more.

After lunch and recess, Momma brought out a bag full of goodies that she wouldn't let me see before. She passed around juice boxes, cookies, and little stuffed animals. Everyone really liked it!

The last thirty minutes of school, she let us hang around a talk.

At the end of the day, while everyone went home, I stayed in the classroom as usual. I don't mind, though. If Momma has a lot to do, sometimes she let's me help. However, today wasn't one of those days, so we got to go home quickly.

"How was your day?" She asked as she took my hand.

"Awesome!" I said excitedly as we walked out of the classroom. I continued to talk to her as we made our way to the car.

"I'm glad you had fun," she said with a smile. "Oh, Wilmer's coming over tonight."

"Yay!" I love Wilmer! He scared me when I first met him, but I guess I was scared f every thing. Now that a few months have gone by, I'm not so scared. Wilmer is so awesome! He's funny and really, really nice. Unlike anyone my mother would date. And Wilmer makes Momma smile all the time. I really like that.

Once we got home, I put all of my school stuff in my room, then went back downstairs. Not too long afterwards, the doorbell rang.

Momma wasn't anywhere around, and I was pretty sure it was Wilmer, so I answered the door.

Big mistake!

I was really sick today, so I stayed in bed and wrote a bunch. So here's an early update.

P.S. Sorry for the cliffhanger... I just think they're fun :)

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