11. Kidnapped

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I need to take a decision and fast if I want my plan to work.

I decide to stay here. I don't want my brothers to panic or something like that if they see that I'm gone and If something happens to them, I'll be there. I think that's what master Splinter want me to do. Plus, sensei isn't himself so if I see me, he'll kill me.

"Leo? What are u doing?" I turn around to see Mikey, half asleep. I have the GPS in my hand so I put it in my back. "Oh hum nothing..." I lie. "Well you're breathing so you're not doing nothing." I smile a little bit... "Why are you awake?" I ask. Before he can answer, we heard a louf noise from the sewer. Well, we live in the sewer but that isn't the same thing... Anyway.

I did a little sign to Mikey to tell him to go take his nunchucks. While he did that, I put the GPS away and I slowly walk to the door before I took my katana out. Whatever it is, it's close of our lair so Mikey and I have no time to wake up the others.

My little brother runs to me with his nuchucks in his hands. "What do we do?" He wishers. "I'll go check what it is. Wait for my signal before you come"I wisper back. I take a deep breath and and I slowly open the door. I look around and see nothing. I did a sing to my brother to tell him to come.

"Is it Splinter?" Mikey asks. "Maybe." I answer. I never think about it. Maybe it's sensei who makes that sounds... 

We wait in silence for 15 minutes and nothing happens. "Okay.. I think it's..." Mikey said but someone else finish his sentence. "Gone? No it isn't." A male voice says. The weird things is that I don't know this voice and I don't even know where it comes from. It's all around us!

"Show yourself!" I ask. "Well... Nan. I don't want you to see me. By the way, somebody will be happy to see what I found." The voice says with an evil tone.

"LEO!" I heard Mikey yells. I turn around and my little brother was gone! I start to freak out but before I can do anything, everything went black.


"LEO!" I woke up in panick and I jumped out of my bed. I ran to the door's lair. "Raph?! What's happening?!" I heard Donnie asks beside me. "I don't know!!" We ran outside the lair to find what was happening but no one was there.

"Is that a joke?!" I was really angry. Without saying anything, Donnie and I went back to the lair and we check in Leo and Mikey room but nobody was in there.

"What do we do now?!" I ask. "We lost our brothers! It's Leo who made plan, not us!!" "Hey calm down. Everything's gonna be just fine..." Donnie says. He's obviously panicked but he doesn't show it to me. "Do you have something to tell us where they are?" I ask. "I think so.."

We run to my big brother's lab and he went in front of his computer. He started taping something and the screen went blue with white characters. "What does that means?" I ask. "Well, it's the T-Phone location but I don't know if they have it on us..." Donnie says. "I'll go check." I say.

I ran into Mikey's room and I looked around. Into the chaos of his room, I found his T-Phone. "Shit." I said to myself. I went to Leo's room and I look everywhere and I didn't find it. I ran back into Donnie's lab.

"Mikey doesn't have it but Leo does." I say. "I will go check outside if they let any sign"


I ake up in a little cell. The wall are grey and a little lamp is on a wall. I don't know how I arrive in there because all I remember is Leo who... Leo. Where's Leo?! I look around and I see a familiar form in the opposite corner of the cell. I hope it's my big brother... By the way, who else can it be?

I try to get up to mixture that it's Leo but I realized that I am chained. That's just getting better and better.

Suddenly, the familiar form starts moving. "Leo?" I ask. "Mikey?" Yep. That's Leo. "Oh my gosh Leo... What the sheel happened to us?" I say. "I don't know..." He answers. "What do we do?" I ask again. "I don't know..." Leo says. "Man.. Are you okay? All you keep saying is I don't know" i start to panick a little bit. "I-I know this place Mikey."

hello hello🙋 did you like it💁sorry for the looooow uptade (6 days?!?!)... I'll try to put a chapter every 2 or 3 days 😀 if you have suggestions, questions or some comments, do not hessitate to tell me ⭐️🐢

Bye little unicorn💕

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