26. Control

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I start screaming like crazy but Casey's spirit was to strong. I need to get him out of my body before he hurts anyone.

-It's Casey Jones you ass. You are going to die. I said.

I saw Raph eyes getting bigger and bigger and he started to run away. He opened the door and he close it to make me slow down a little. I heard him screaming to Mikey and Donnie to hide. Personally, I flew up to the door and Casey's spirit opened it. When I got out, nobody was there. I sight because at least, I can't kill them yet.

I flew all around the house when I saw something moving in the barn. Shit. I flew up to the barn door and I try to opened it but it was lock.

-Hello? Bros open up it's me Léo! Casey said with my voice.

I start screaming like crazy but still nothing. How does the spirit was controlling me? Sometimes, I just want answer without asking for it!

I did not hear anyone in the barn so Casey's spirit flew up to the windows on the top of the barn. When I was inside, I look all around and I saw nothing. They weren't there! Of course, it made me relived my stress a little but I soon enough realized that it was't going to last.

The spirit made me flew back to the house and I knew that I was going to find my brothers. If Casey's spirit can read my thought, they are in problem because I know perfectly where they are hidden. When we arrived here, we gave our self a place to hide in case something like this happen and it's in the attic. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that Casey know it because I'm going right under the trap.

-I know you are there! I said with Casey's voice.

That's actually freaking me out because I'm not use to it. It's not like if I were talking with somebody else voice everyday!

I moved the trap to go into the attic and I flew up into it. The first thing I saw was Mikey in Donnie's arm, crying of scare. Raph was up with his sais out, ready to defend his brothers from me.

-Oh, just a reminder. If you hurt me, you hurt Léonardo and he will fell everything. Don't listen to him Raph! What Léonardo shut up.

I just spoke! I JUST SPOKE! Ok, so that means that I can take control over him and ejected him. All I have to do is to wait until he is distract before I act so he will be more weak. I will try to hit myself just to see if I have the control and if I have it, I will eject him by meditation. Sounds good.

-Continue Léo! Eject this son of a bitch! Raph said to me.

-You shut up! I will kill you all! Casey said.

There's my chance. He forgot about me so I start trying to hit myself and it worked after 3 times. When I was sure that I had the control I looked at Raph.

-Ok. I just need to eject him.Go away and if I success, I will say pizza when I see you. If I'm not saying that, do not hesitate to kill me. Now go. I said before sitting on the ground.

Raph didn't argue with my orders and he went away with my brothers. Time to get serious now.

I sat down on he ground and I took a deep breath to made me relax before I started meditating. Ejecting Casey will not be easy but if I remember correctly, I already did it once with Splinter's help when I was 6 years old or somethings like that. Now, I just need to do it again but on my own!

What I did when I was 6 years old was that I become a spirit myself and I fight the bad spirit. Obviously, Splinter did most of ot but I'm pretty sure I can do it myself.

I started concentrating very hard on me becoming a spirit and when I open my eyes to see if it worked, I saw my body sitting on the ground. Not creepy at all. Then, I turn around because I obviously knew that Casey was standing next to me and I was right.

-What's up freak? He said.

-Nothing much. I just want you out of my body that's all. I said.

-And what if I don't want too? Casey said, walking up to me.

-Well I'm going to force you... I said before taking my katanas out.

He laughed a little before taking out a hockey stick. I smiled as I start a battle by swinging my katanas to his head. He dodge the attack and he hit me in the stomach wich maked me fall. He tried to hit me again with his stick but I turn on the ground and I get up quickly.

-Just go away Casey! I told him before trying an other attack.

-NEVER! He screams as he blocked my katanas with a baseball bat this time.

I can't fight him. At lesat, not right now. I need to be focus on being a spirit and on fighting Casey Jones.

I took a deep breath as he attacks me by swinging his bassebat bat and his hockey stick at me and I barely had the time to dodge it.

-You're slow as hell today Leonardo! Casey Jones is going to kick your ass! He said as he ran to me.

I'm such in trouble...

Well guys it's not friday but at least I'm close... It's hasn't been 6 month :') So I hope you like it and I'll try to post friday (even tho, I know it's not going to work aha) 

Bye little unicorn xxx

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