38. Not coming back

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When I woke up, I was in Donnie's lab. I still was to weak to even move, but at least I was awake. Not well, but awake. 

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the lab's ceiling. Then, I saw Mikey who was looking down at me.

-Leo? He said, smiling.

-How... I started coughing because my throat was too dry. That made me want to cry.

-Don't talk. I'm going to go get the others. With that, Mikey walked away.

Directly after, Donnie and Raph were there too.

-Leo? Are you OK? Asked Donnie as he touched my forehead to make sure I didn't have a fever. 

-Stupid question Donnie. How do you think he feels? He died and brought himself back to life. How would you feel? Said Raph, using all the sarcasm that he has.

-How long was I out? I asked softly. That way, I could speak without wanting to die. 

-5 days. Said Mikey. We started wondering if you were ever going to wake up.

-Now that we know you're OK, go back to sleep. Ordered Donnie.

He didn't have to told me twice. I let myself go back to sleep and gosh did I felt good! That light was starting to make me dizzy but with my eyes close, I'm just in pure happiness (if you remove the fact that my body feels like I was ran over by a truck.) 


When I woke up again, Donnie was sleeping in a chair beside me. I felt a little bit better. Probably not enough for me to get up, but I still did because I was starving.

I unplugged all these tubes that Donnie attached to my arm and I slowly sat down. My left arm was band and in a scarf so that it heals faster. As I looked down at the rest of my body, I realized the number of injuries that I got. I was basically a mummy because of all those bandages! 

I putted my feet on the ground and I pushed myself with my good arm. Then, I walked out of Donnie's lab and went directly for the kitchen.

On my way, I saw the lair's clock which indicated 2 am. That explains why Donnie was asleep. That or maybe he was just tired of watching me sleep.

Finally in the kitchen, after a walk that took me 5 minutes instead of 15 seconds, I opened the fridge and I found a jello. Perfect. I also took a glass of water and I sat down to eat.

-I knew I heard noise. A voice said behind me. I turned around and I saw Raph.

-I was hungry. I said before coughing. 

-I can see that. A jello at 2am...he said laughing.

-Are you judging me Raphael Hamato? I said, smiling.

-Nooo of course not.

He sat beside me at the table as I finished eating.

-Do you want help going back to your room? He asked me.

-I'm not going back to sleep. I kind of been sleeping for five days straight so... I said.

-Fair point. He added as we got up of the chair.

I had an other cough, interrupting Raph who was about to say something again.

-You ok? That looked painfull... He asked me when I was done.

-No it's OK I'm good. I lied.

He looked at me with his face that meant: I know you aren't alright so stop lying to me, but I ignored it. He can think whatever he wants, I'm not going back to bed and I am not starting to say how I feel every minutes. When my powers were getting stronger, that was alright but that time is over. I am back as their leader and with Splinter gone, I need to be strong. Talking about Splinter...

-What have you done with sensei? I asked.

-He's in the dojo if you want to go see him. We waited for you to bury him. 

Raph added something after that but I stopped listening, If Splinter hasn't been buried yet, there's still a chance that I can bring him back to life? 

-Ok yes thank you Raph. I said as I walked to the dojo. 

Raph looked weirdly at me before he understood what I was going to do. 

-You aren't going to bring back Splinter to life are you? Because if yes, it's stupid. He said as he walked up to me. Easy to do because I'm walking really slowly because I have to concentrate on not losing my balance at every step I take. 

-Yes Raph that's what I'm doing. I answer, not even bothering to look his way.

-Have you seen yourself Leo? You are barely standing up! He said.

-So..? It's worth a shot Raph and you know it.

-No Leonardo I don't know it. You are to weak! You almost didn't wake up after you brought yourself back to life. If you try bringing sensei, you won't wake up. And then, I'm going to have to lead the team. Do you imagine me as a leader Leo? 

I stopped walking and I looked at my brother. Raph has a point. I can't abandon my team. Splinter prepared me all my life for this and the time as come. Sensei isn't there anymore and I'm the one who has to take his place and lead the team. I'm ready for it.

-You're right. I said looking back to where I was heading a minute ago. 

-I'm always right.He said, laughing.

-You're right but I still want to see him. I added.

-OK but I'm coming with you. I won't let you die twice in the same week. At least wait until Monday. He said as he grabbed my good arm and putted it around his shoulder. 

When we entered the room, I saw a coffin. It was beautiful. It was all black with some gold ornements all over it. 

Raph let go of my arm and he stayed at the door as I continue walking towards the coffin. As I approached, I saw that the inside was in a beautiful red velvet. And there he was. Splinter was laying there, not breathing. He looked so peaceful, almost like if he was sleeping. 

A tear slowly rolled off my eye and felt on master Splinter forehead. 

I sensed Raph slowly backing away, leaving me alone with sensei. As soon as we left, I really started crying.

-I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry. It's all my fault. Father. Please wake up. I don't want to do this. I don't know if I'm ready. Please dad. Wake up. 

I putted my head on the side of his coffin and I just couldn't stop crying. It's all my fault. I killed him. I killed my father. 

Then, I sensed a hand on my shoulder. 

-Leonardo. It was Tamara's voice.

-You! I said as I jumped on my feet, ready to fight. My body protested from that sudden move but I didn't care. 

-Calm down Leonardo. She told me.

-I'm not calming down! You didn't told me anything about Shredder! You got my father killed! It's not just my fault, it's yours too! I said, almost screaming but my throat wouldn't allow it. 

-You may be right. But I just came to say thank you. Thank you for letting me free from Shredder. Now, I'm leaving you alone. You won't see me again, I promised. She said before diseappering.

As soon as she left, I turned back to the coffin. There wasn't any tears left to cry so I just stood there, waiting for my father to wake up.

-Leo? I turned around and it was Raph again. You OK? 

-Yes. I said walking towards him.

-Did you talk to Tamara? He asked.


He figured out I didn't want to talk about her. He gently smiled at me, probably knowing how I feel. He had 6 days more than me to get used to the fact that Splinter is dead and he's not coming back.

-I'm going to go back to bed. But if there's anything, and by anything I mean ANYTHING, you know where to find me. He said as he walked away, leaving me alone in the lair.

That night was probably the longest night I have ever lived. 

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