Cooking/Baking (OTP)

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Vio and Shadow had recently left the house, doing who knows what. Green was off probably with the princess, so Blue and Red were left alone. Blue was sprawled out across the entire couch, belly down and arm hanging off. Red sat on a recliner staring at the window.

"I'm bored...." Red stated the obvious. "No dip." Blue agreed. Red jolted up in his seat and ran over to shove Blue off the couch. "I know what we should do!"

-thud- "Yah didn't need to shove me ya know!" Blue growled, on the floor. "We should make something!" Red ignored Blue's negativity.

"Make what?" Blue was also bored out of his mind, and couldn't help but need to do something. "Hmmm. We should bake something! Like... Cookies!" Red chirruped and pulled Blue up off the floor, tugging him into the kitchen.

"Red. I can't cook." Blue muttered. Red looked up at him, with his gosh awful puppy eyes. "Pleeeaassseee?"

Blue simply couldn't bare to say no to him. "I-...we.... Fine." He grumbled. "What do we need to do first?"

"Yay! Okay, so get the flour! I'll get the eggs, and such!" Red began taking items and ingredients from cabinets, clearly knowing his way around.

Blue left for a moment, and returned with a bag. "Here." He set it on the counter. "Blue. That's sugar."

"What?! Well it looks the freakin same!" He left the bag there, assuming Red would need it later anyways. "It says 'Sugar' on it in red letters though." Red giggled.

Blue stormed off back to the cabinet, and began moving things around everywhere trying to find flour. "Red! I can't find it!" He huffed as Red walked over to the cabinet.

"It's right up there!" Red pointed, where it was up high, but still in front of the blue boy's face. Blue tried to grab it, but couldn't reach it.

"I can't reach it!" Blue was getting frustrated with all this baking 'crap'. "Hm. Vio could probably reach it so that's why it's up there. Hey! Blue, try to pick me up! Then I could grab it!" Red's eyes sparkled with the thought of his 'genius' plan.

Blue sighed and grabbed Red around the waist, and lifted him up. "I....can't...reach!" Red helped himself down, and didn't even bother asking before hoping onto Blue's back. "Let me on your shoulders!"

"On... My shoulders?" Blue's face tinted the tiniest bit of red, it was weird enough holding Red around the waist. "Yes silly. Now c'mon!"

Blue laughed, at the thought of Red's stubbornness. That kid wanted the flour. Blue heaved him up onto his shoulders. "Sheeeesh Red you weigh, like, nothing."

"Nah, Blue, your just strong!" Blue then felt his face warm up again, maybe due to the situation. He couldn't tell. "Got it! Now back up a tiny bit so I can shut the door!"

"Can't I jus- waaah!" Blue stumbled and went crashing to the ground, Red following. All was white, as flour seemed to billow everywhere.

The 'smoke' thinned, as Red and Blue were toppled upon eachother. Red sat up, and Blue groaned. "Oh, Blue I'm on top of you!" Red started laughing hard, and Blue couldn't help but join in.

"Were such idiots!" Blue laughed, and scooped some flour off the floor and pushed Red's hat off to mix flour into his hair. "Heeeeeey!" Red laughed.

"See, now after we mix the flour into the bowl..." Blue stood up and grabbed random things off the counter. Red sat, confused as to what he was doing. Blue picked up a book from the table, read something, and walked over to Red. "It says half a cup of milk..."

He opened the jug and poured it over Red's head, then shut it again. "THATS COLD!" Red yelped. "That should be enough." Blue grabbed his next item, and proceeded to crack it onto Reds hair.

"And one egg!" He triumphantly exclaimed. "Blue oh my goddesses this isn't going to come out!" Red whined,

Blue ran his hands through Red's hair, 'mixing' the ingredients. "And'ja mix!" Blue burst out laughing at the sight of Red, with yolk dripping from his hair and clothes soaked with milk.

"And after you mix.... You hug someone!" Red hopped up and gave Blue the messiest hug he would ever get. "That's not in the directions!!!" Blue attempted to shove Red off, but he clung to Blue making sure to nuzzle him and rub his hair all over him.

They both laughed, until tears came to their eyes. Blue leaned against the counter and slumped to the ground, the teensiest bit exauhsted. Who knew baking took that much?

Red sat next to Blue and rested his head into Blue's lap, getting yolk all over Blue. "You think your soooo clever." Blue snickered and took Red's hair, seemingly molding it into a mohawk.

"Hey!" Red sat up and flattened his hair, then shook it, like a dog would if it were wet, sending multiple ingredients flying. "Oh my gosh Red stoooop!" Blue shielded himself from the projectiles, then grabbed Red and pulled him close.

"Now you can't shake anymore yah mutt!" Blue smirked. "Oh, but I can make you let go!" Red had his own plans.

Blue was about to ask how, but Red silenced all his thoughts by kissing him. The red on Blue's faced shone through the flour on his face like christmas lights, and as Red planned he dropped his arms from around Red.

Red almost made it, almost. But Blue grabbed him and smashed his lips to Red's, tasting the flour on his lips. And... What was that?

Blue pulled away, his head slightly tilted. "Did you eat... Sugar?" Red laughed guiltily. "Uh. Maybe." Blue smirked once again. "Tastes good" He licked his lips and kissed Red again.

Helllllllooo! If you wanna request, my other part has ideas. I'll do some of course that I think will be intresting, but I really love it when people request. I dunno why. It's like 12 at night, why TF am I awake.....?... I'm going to go sleep now...
Till next time!

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