Gaming/Watching A Movie (OTP)

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(Modern-ish yet they still share a house I dunno why just Becuz)

Of course, this started with the others going off to sleep and Blue had asked Red to stay awake with him. "Why?" Red had that look in his eyes, where he truly was tired.

"Watch a movie with me, and if it ain't good you can fall asleep on the couch." He patted the spot next to him. Blue was also semi-tired, so he wasn't as agressive.

"Well... Okay." Red sat down next to Blue. "What time is it? Oh, 11:43." Blue clicked a few buttons on the remote as Red grabbed a blanket, ready to sleep on the couch tonight.

Red laid his head on the arm of the couch, and wrapped himself in the blanket. "What're you watching Blue?"

"Oh you'll see." Blue tosses the remote onto a coffee table nearby, and leaned back into the couch looking quite satisfied. Red felt nervous, he had no idea what Blue was up to. They were just watching a movie, right?

Red was tired, yet wanted to see just a tiny bit of the movie so he kept his eyes open. He would come to regret it. An older looking movie flickered onto screen, as Red continued to watch.

Just his luck, Blue had turned on a horror movie. (Okay it's an old one because I think those are the freakin best.)

The movie started with simple plot line, as all did. Sadly though, Red couldn't tell it was going to be a horror movie. The screen proceeded to show gory scenes, including a man who fed people to some beast in a dark hole in the basement.

Red's eyes widened, at this point the poor boy wasn't going to sleep. No, not at all. More gore, more death. Red hated horror movies.

Especially because of what came next. Jumpscare! Red whimpered and held onto Blue's torso shaking freely. "W-why are you m-making me watch this?"

Blue snickered. "Well, I do enjoy these types of movies. And you happened to stick around."

Red just kept a death grip on Blue, and slightly turned his head to see what was happening now, as Blue kept his arms across the top of the couch.

Basic cliche things could scare Red easily. Girl walks near hole, mutated arm thing drags her in. Wouldn't scare some people, like Blue.

Red squeaked and buried his head into Blue's shirt. "Blue! Oh my gosh that's scaaaary!" Tears came to his eyes, and he tightened his grip on Blue. "R-red.... I kinda can't... Breath." Blue managed to speak.

"I-I'm sorry..." Red loosed his arms, but still shook, as Blue gave up on watching his movie and shut down the tv. "You may want to head off to bed now, 'cuz I might."

Red shook his head. "I won't b-be able to sleep! What if the monster gets me?" Blue laughed quietly and sighed. "Red, that monster doesn't exist. Neither does anything else in the movie."

He expected Red to get up, but the shorter boy held on, tight as ever. Blue considered getting up and just heading off to sleep anyways, but that would torture Red.

"Okay okay, why don't we just sleep in the living room tonight, eh?"

Red nodded fast and sat up so Blue could adjust his position. The little boy was shaking like a leaf, it was about hilarious.

Blue laid down on the inside of the couch, taking up about all of the space. "What's up?" Red was looking nervous.

"C-can I sleep with you?"

"Sure thing."

Red was amazed, either Blue was very tired or he was just laid back extremely. Red got down in front of Blue, and finally stopped shaking. He didn't need his blanket anymore.

Blue drapes an arm over him. "Yah comfy?" "Yah..." Red sighed and fell asleep, forgetting about scary monsters and dark spaces.

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