Cutie Little Red~

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This one may be insanely short. Whatever, typing at 10:00 (night) isn't exactly good for the mind. I probably publish in the morning.

Blue watched out of the window, silently thinking to himself. The waxing moon shown brightly, surrounded by the navy blue sky and stars. He was lucky to have a window there in his room, he thought. As he was also lucky to have a small boy sleeping right next to him.

Red's breathing was slow and peaceful, his chest rising and falling every so often. His blonde hair fell around his face, as he slept on. Unfortunately for Blue, he couldn't sleep. He simply wasn't tired.

Blue continued to stare out the window, but his vision slowly turned to Red's sleeping form. He un-consciously brushed the hair from Red's face, as he slid down a tiny bit in the bed. Blue placed his arm around Red gently, admiring the moment.

All was quiet, and it was warm. Not too warm though, fairly comfy. If only all nights were like this, except it would be even better if Blue could actually fall asleep instead of thinking about it. He tried anything he could think of, focusing on his breathing, focusing on Red's, finding a comfy spot, nothing really worked.

Blue finally gave up his failed attempts, and focused on watching Red. Everything about him seemed tranquil and perfect. How was Blue letting himself think so gently? Probably because I'm so d*mn tired... He told himself.

He continued to watch the cute little boy contently. His fluffy hair was too cute. Blue watched and focused on Red, the quiet, and the darkness of the room.


Red squeaked out a loud high-pitched sneeze sending Blue reeling back. He scrambled for grip on the bed but missed.


Red sat up after hearing the loud sound. He looked over the bed at the messy sheets, no Blue. "B-blue...?..." Red asked quietly.

"Oooo...ooowwww." Blues muffled moan came from out of the bed. "Hhhh! Blue are you okay?" Red peered over the bed innocently to meet the shirtless Blue on the floor. "Did you fall in your sleep?" Red spoke in his little voice.

"Ahm. Yeah. Nothing at all... I was just... Sleeping." Blue got up and resumed his place in his bed. "Oh... Okay. Well don't get hurt while I'm sleeping. Seems too much goes on when I sleep." Red laid back down under the covers.

He smiled to himself. If only Blue knew. Speaking of...

"Oh yah.... Blue?" Red asked into Blue's back, since he was facing away.

"Yes Red?" He replied almost irritatedly.

"Sorry for sneezing." Red said sheepishly.

"Wait... What???"

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