Cheesy Halloween Special

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I'm gonna feel awful that I even wrote this. Imagine this as like a black and white movie from the 50's xD. Well, I hope someone enjoys this~!

"What the heck were you doing?" Green half scolded Blue as he walked up the porch.

"I went out to practice!"

"At, like ten at night?!"

Blue sighed annoyed-like. "And what the heck is that?" Green pointed to his upper arm. Blue glanced over at the wound as if he didn't know.

"Well, I dunno mom. All I know is that I was practicing on a tree, something knocked me over and it hurt. Now back off."

Green ignored his name calling before stepping aside to let him pass, while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine, fine. Just clean yourself up and don't let Red see it. He would probably freak out, and think you got bit by like a vampire or something."

Blue nodded and walked into their house. For Din's sake, he acts like my mother! Yet, Blue complied to Greens directions and cleaned himself up in the bathroom. Using water to clean the wound, he cringed the tiniest bit due to the sting.

Blue looked at the rubbing alcohol, but put it back in its drawer. It wasn't that bad of a wound. Finally, he brushed his hair and went to his room to change.

To his surprise, Red was sprawled out on his bed. "Uhn, Red what are you doing in here?" Blue asked as he threw off his tunic to change his undershirt, it was ripped a bit.

"I dunno. Hey! What is wrong with your arm?" Red sat up and looked at Blue's shoulder. "Wait! I know why I was in here, I was gonna sleep."

Blue avoided the question, Red was easily distracted. "In my bed?"
Red nodded. "Yup. I don't wanna sleep in my room."

"Why don't you go to Vio's room?" Blue rolled his eyes.

"Because I wanna sleep with you!"

"I thought you always wanted to sleep with Green though." Blue teased, he finished changing.

"Bluuuuueeeeee stop it!"

"Yeah yeah, okay, but I see the way you look at him." He was secretly happy Red wanted to be with him, but teased further.

"Blue! Ugh, fine. Ill go sleep with Green than." Red hopped off his bed and head for the door.

"NO. I mean, why do you wanna be with him? He's a jerk, so you can stay with me." Blue began backtracking.

Red smirked triumphantly. "No, that's okay I'll go with Green." Red yelled out the door way,


"Red! Stooop! You can sleep with me!"

"Yeah Red?" Greens voice emitted from downstairs.

"What's for dinner?" Red laughed quietly to himself, as he saw Blue sigh relieved.

"Just come downstairs." Green shouted.

Blue walked past Red outer the door, "You've got a dark side." He commented, ruffling Red's hair. Red smiles as if it were a compliment and followed Blue downstairs.

"Salads for dinner." Vio said as he walked to the table. Green had it all set, since salad wasn't hard at all to get out.

"Thanks Green!" Red chirped before sitting at the table with Blue.

Dinner was quite as usual, with Red asking random questions to start conversations. Everyone but Blue helped clean up, he just went into his room. (He cleaned the other night, so he didn't do nothing at all.)

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