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(Randomness yessssss)

One, two, three, four slashes against the wooden dummy. Blue held his sword firmly against his chest and thrusted it into the target. All the Links were outside; it was a fine summer day. Vio read, Blue practiced fighting, Red watching, and they may have forgotten where Green left.

It got warm later in the evening though, and the bugs soon came out. Basically when everyone would get miserable from bites and the sweltering heat. "Are you planning to come inside soon?" Vio asked Blue as he and Red stood up to leave.

"Yeah, I'll just put my stuff away in a minute."

"Seen Green lately?"

"Nah, but he's fine."

"Mmkay, we'll head off inside." And with that Vio and Red left.

Blue sheathed his sword and was about to leave, but had the strange feeling of another's presence. And he possessed a pretty good guess of who it was.

"Green, where the heck are you?" He sighed, leaning on the sheathed sword.

"Not up here." Came his voice, making Blue chuckle slightly.

"Why in din's name are you in a tree?"

"Well, it was really hot and up here there's a breeze." Green explained matter-of-factly. Blue walked towards the base of the tree, still a bit confused as to why he was up there.

"Yup, so why are you ignoring everyone then?" He sounded more serious now.

"I'm not."

"I'm pretty dang sure you know you are. Get down here." Blue growled.

"No thank you, you're down there." Green had to stifle a laugh.

"Excuse me? I can so come up there and beat you ya'know." Blue replied, his eyes narrowing. "Anyways, I'm pretty sure Vio and Red want you inside for the night. It's gonna get awfully miserable up there."

Green leaned over on the branch he was atop of and simply stuck his tongue out at his counterpart below him.

"Hey, listen smart ace I don't give a crap if you get carried away by mosquito's later. So I heavily suggest you come down now." Blue barked at Green, who was also getting irritated. This was ridiculous.

"Well I suggest you give up 'cuz-" Green barely had time to finish before he lost his grip on the branch. It wasn't too far down, but then there came the fact that Blue was down there. Yes, and with his luck he fell straight on top of the other. Their faces were merely inches apart, making the situation fiercely awkward. Green pushed himself up faster than he believed was possible, his face flushed. "I-I-I'm so sorry wow, um..."

Blue was just as confused, and didn't move from his position in the grass. "Er... What the hell was that for?" He yelled to hide his own embarrassment.

"I fell man, like I knew that would happen! Be thankful we didn't like kiss or something! Then we'd have some real problems."

Blue fake gagged at the comment. "You're real right we would have a problem. More like you would have a problem."

"So, I'll assume we'll keep this quiet right?" Green nervously laughed.

"Nah Green, I'll tell everyone that you're all over me. Duh we'll keep this silent." Blue finally stood up, and frowned after feeling his hair. "Wow you got dirt and stuff in my hair jerk."

"Hah." Green smirked while combing his hair with his hands. "Mine looks great."

"Uh-huh, not for much longer." Blue grabbed Green into a headlock and did the traditional hair ruffling. "How about now?"

"Stooooooop." Green drawled, even though his words bounced up and down. "Lemme go!" He tried to push Blue's arms away but it was in vain.

"Nope, if you're gonna be a moron then I gotta take serious measures." Blue snickered.

"This isn't fair! Nor is it funny anymore!" Green whined, his struggling proven futile.

"That sucks doesn't it."

They both were distracted as the door opened and Vio stepped out onto the porch. "...What are you doing?"

Blue kept his lock on Green and replied, "He was being stupid."

"Vio help me! Please!" Green cried out, still fighting.

"I'd like to, but you can handle this. Anyways, Red has made dinner already so come inside whenever... That's done."

Blue dropped Green instantly. "Food? Yeah!"

Green muttered something rude towards the latter but it went unnoticed.

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