Cookie Challenge?

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I'm bored. Your bored. Were all bored. (Actually I hope you aren't)
Im bored sooo...
Writing will commense.
Thank y'all.
This may be fairly short.

It was kinda cute. He had to admit it. Seeing Red asleep on the couch was only just the beginning. He was belly-up, one hand resting on his chest, and the other dangling off of the couch.

A box sat next to Blue, as he spoke to Green who was also there. "Hm. I'll do forehead. It ain't too hard or easy."

"Well," Green looked over Red, "I guess I could do his chest. It's moving so therefore it should be just as hard." Blue nodded before smirking. He was so bored. He didn't feel like practicing, he was tired and so was Green. They had to do something.

Yes, they may fight a lot but that doesn't mean it's all the time!

"Seems fair enough. You gotta go first though." Blue opened the box to reveal cookies, not the over-sized ones. "Okay." Green picked one up to place it on Red, as did Blue onto his forehead.

"Are we really this bored?" Green asked. "Yes." Blue took another cookie before 'strategically' stacking it on Red. Green followed suit carefully stacking.

"We gotta hope Red doesn't move too much..." Green thought aloud.

"Isn't that the point? We can't be too loud though." Blue had made it to four cookies. Green was placing his fifth.

"Beat that!" He yelled in a whisper. Green glanced over to see six cookies on Red's forehead. "Already did." Blue snickered.

"Yeah yeah, gimme a minute here." Green grumbled reaching for more cookies. Eight. Nine.... Red's hand moved knocking the whole stack over.

Blue stifled his laughter as Green groaned while pulling his hat over his face. "It's useless!"

"Good job Red." Blue quietly praised the sleeping boy. Green adjusted his hat before overseeing Blue's work. "How many are you at?"


Green shook his head, "Unreal dude."

Vio walked past the living room looking at the mess of cookies. "I could so beat eleven." He mused. "Yeah right." Blue huffed.

Green leaned over, "He totally could you know."

"Shut up I'm focusing."

Vio entered in once again. "That's new." Green laughed at Vio's remark. Blue just mumbled something unheard.

Probably a good thing.

Vio quickly spoke to Green, who nodded before Vio left to nest within the recliner. (I do that all the time xD) "Tellin' secrets eh?" Blue commented, carefully balancing cookie number twelve.

"Nah. He just mentioned something." Green chuckled to himself, as Vio peered over his book.

"What did he mention?" Blue was still head down trying to make sure his tower wouldn't fall.

"Oh just this..."

"Just wha-" Blue barely finished before Green 'bopped' the back of his head down. That bop was kinda a push. Which was kind of a shove. Blues lips connected with Red's as the smaller boy's eyes flickered open.

"Green get the hell over here so I can beat you!" Blue, face as red as Red's tunic, got up immediately to chase Green around the house. Vio smiled to himself before returning to his book.

Red sat up drowsily, looking down at the dozens of cookies all over him. "" Red yawned before rubbing his eyes.

He grabbed a cookie and munched on it happily. "Nice way to wake up in the morning."

"The kiss or the cookie?" Vio laughed quietly, especially as the thundering footsteps vibrated throughout the house with Greens laughing and Blues threats echoing down the halls.

"Hm." Red pretended to sleep. "Both."

Vio could so beat Blue. Just saying. Well hope you enjoyed. If you know of any cute/cool prompts, feel free to share~! This is like two sections in one day *^*. Hope y'all are happy! Thanks once again to all of those who comment! Blue and Green could be a good team without all the fighting, in the end their just teenagers who team up when their bored. Simple, like partners in crime. (Except so much lower xD)

Hope to speak to you all soon!
(See, I refrained from using y'all •^• go me.)

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