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This will be short because I....uhm. Reasons. I promise they're good. Relatively.

Blue was already in bed, probably half asleep by the time Red was done cleaning himself up for the night. Blue fell asleep faster than all of them, or at least that was the assumption. Despite Blue taking up more bed space than required, Red had just enough room to be comfy.

As usual, it was a quiet night. No Link stirred anywhere in the house. (Heh) Blue snored softly in his sleep, which Red found almost soothing. To some, snoring may be annoying but if you like someone enough it's no problem. Sure, he had his times where it sounded like thunder and Red would have to lightly push Blue to re-adjust him.

Red's eyes fought against sleeping, for no specific reason. Deciding to give in, he hugged Blue and shut his eyes.


The odd sound startled Red himself. He almost groaned aloud, it's impossible to sleep with hiccups!


Red held his breath, and exhaled slowly. 1,2,3,4-


Blue shifted in his position, as Red bit his lip. He didn't want to wake Blue. And he was wasn't just worried for his own sake! Red hiccups once again, it was naturally high. "What... is that?" Blue muttered almost inaudible.
"Oh it's no-hiccup-thing."

Blue sat up tiresome, and glanced sideways at Red. "That's some high pitched hiccups." To be honest, Blue thought it was adorable. It sounded somewhat like a puppy, did that make sense? To Blue it did. Red hiccups again, before burying his face into his pillow. "Ill stop." He mumbled into it.

"Okay than." Blue was too tired to really care. He laid back down to sleep again. A muffled hiccup responded once again, but Blue ignored it. The poor smaller boy was trying. Another hiccup, and Blue began to question how long the pause between hiccups was.

Yet another squeaky hiccup, and Blue was getting annoyed. "I'm so sorry Blue." Red apologized, not being able to help himself. "Its fine." Blue responded gruff. It was beginning to not be so fine. A few hiccups later, and Blue was done. He sat up, and began giving orders. "Go downstairs and drink some water."

"B-but it's dark." Red whined.
"I don't care!"

Red sighed and left the warm bed reluctantly, and returned shortly. "I think it worked." The two of them settled back into bed, sleep calling to them.


"I swear to din Red!" Blue almost yelled throwing his hand up into the air. Red pulled the sheets up till it almost covered him completely while sitting up looking up at Blue quietly. "I don't know what- wait I might know how to stop that awful noise."

Blue tilted Red's chin up, and kissed him not at all brief. Red's eyes widened but he relaxed just as quick. He pulled away out of breath, and watched Blue lay back down without another word. Red Sat in silence, waiting for that annoying hiccup. But it never came.

Blue knew his stuff apparently, Red thought so. The night went by silently, and both slept blissfully despite the previous disruptions. Until, at about 5 in the morning...


Blue sat up and scolded Red, who protested it wasn't him. Blue hiccuped again. "I'm so done with this..."

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