Cuddling (OTP)

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Of course, to make this possible, it happened to be nearing the beginning of January. It was about the middle of night, almost early morning, and not a sound was made inside nor outside of the house.

That was until Blue heard the fairly quiet 'pit pattering' of someone walking through the house. His door creaked the slightest as you-know-who walked in. "B-blue?"

Blue sat upright, and groggily looked over at Red. "What?" Red fidgeted with his hands a bit, not answering. "Out with it Red I gotta sleep sometime tonight."

"Well I was wondering if you like to... Err... c-cuddle?" Red spoke getting progressively quieter.

"....No." Blue rolled over to face away from Red, and pulled his blankets back over himself. "Bluuueeee." Red whined. "It's cold and I promise I'll be quiet and I get nightmares and it's dark and-"

"Fine!" Blue stopped what may have been a never ending run-on sentence. Red, feeling accomplished, went over and plopped un-gracefully onto the bed.

"Where do you want me to lay?" Red asked, burrowing underneath the blankets. "You said you wouldn't talk..." Blue grumbled yet rolled onto his back. "And I don't care, just shut up and sleep."

Red hugged Blue's waist and lay his head upon his chest, ready to make a big deal about how he said he didn't care if he protested.

Except to his surprise, Blue didn't speak a word. He put a hand on Red's back and began to doze off quickly.

"Hey Blue?"

"Yeah Red."

"I know this is a stupid question, but do you really like me?" Red asked, almost speaking into Blue's chest. "Yah Red. I really do. Now let me sleep."

Red smiled and fell asleep warm and somewhat giddy.

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