Just Dance :3

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(Sorry guys I'm bored, vid above might come in handy so
you can watch during, after, or before reading this. So, cool. Yeep)

(This is modern! They all about 19, and have an apartment)

Later one Friday evening, everyone seemed to have plans except Blue and Red. (Therefore making this story possible) Shadow and Vio went out, while Green was out somewhere with Zelda. Red sighed and put down his phone, Blue had headphones in.
"Blue, what're we gonna do?" The smaller blonde turned to his left to hear silence. Yanking the headphone cord from him, Red repeated his statement after receiving a glare.

"I really don't care." Blue put his headphones back on, but to his dismay they were pulled back out. "What?"

"We should play a game!" Red thought aloud, before climbing off the couch and pulling the large wicker basket of games over to him. "Which game you wanna play?"

Blue thought too for a moment, placing his phone on the coffee table, "Whatever one you can play." He knew Red didn't usually enjoy games like Halo or Black ops, even though sometimes he did happen to like them.

Red shuffled through the cases, tossing Blue's and Green's aside. "Do you feel like getting up? I know I feel pretty energized." Blue shrugged in response. "I picked what we did last weekend so it's your turn."

Red nodded and pulled out a purple case. "Let's do this one!" He chirped happily. Blue groaned quietly. "Do I really have to do that?"

"No. I understand your too scared of being beat." Red smirked at Blue, sticking his tongue out. Blue chuckled and shook his head. "Bring it on then."

Red popped the case into the Xbox and sat back on the couch with the remote. "There's like a ton of songs, I dunno which one we should do. There's individual ones, double, triple- even four people ones. Which one, Blue?"

Blue shrugged again. "I like any of them, I'm not too picky. What do you mean by double?"

"You kinda dance like, involve the other person I guess. Different parts same song."

"Mmkay, well I totally do not want to dance with you so not that."

Red frowned. "Thats meannn." He whined as Blue laughed. "Just kidding. Uh, do random since we can't decide for crap."

"You can't back out though if it is a duet though~" Red made Blue shake on it and hopped up. Selecting a button, Red started to do his thing. A girl and boy part came onto the screen where they'd have to choose.

"I'm not bein' the girl." Blue stood up to assume the guys position.

"I will!" Red was good with any part, and stood where needed. Selecting continue, a quiet beat started as they followed the tv for movements. "This sounds way too Spanish." Blue said looking over at Red.

"Its called Bailando, Blue." Red mentioned before moving.

They walked around each other, Red couldn't help but giggle. He knew this song, and was very amused it happened to be chosen. Following the game, Blue stood behind Red as Red leaned against him, and they went separate ways.

They performed their own licks(of dancing), then held hands in the middle and splitting off again. "Why're you laughin' so much?" Blue asked, even though he couldn't help but smile with him. Red just kept quiet, watching the game.

The grasped each others hands once more, and Blue pulled Red's over his shoulder as was shown. They stepped forward and backward, then Blue had to let Red partially slide beneath him. During that they both were laughing and red in the face.

They repeated once more, dancing in tune after getting the rhythm down. Each went to do a separate part, and circle the other. Red had to place his hands on Blue's face to come real close, and couldn't help but laugh almost hysterically. They seperated, then did so again. But this time Red 'booped' Blue on the nose before leaving. They went into the main chorus line before rejoicing.

Blue went behind Red, and put a hand around Red's waist then held one of his hands as they followed the tv. He felt slightly embarresed, but Red seemed to be fine and leant against him gripping Blue's hands. They danced together, and then ended up repeating the first half of the song once more. The further they got, the more the other knew what they were doing, and it became easy.

They finished by Blue putting a hand under Red's back as the latter fell back and placed a hand on Blue's cheek. It was very dramatic, and after the song faded out entirely the two laughed even though they were out of breath. "Your good Blue, but..." Red pointed to the screen where it displayed he had won.

"I still won."

"Whatever, it was fun anyways." Blue playfully glared at Red. "Interesting that that song had come up out of all of them."

Red smiled a bit cheekily. "'Cuz I chose that one."

"Knew it!" Blue called out. "You little stinker, your lucky I agreed to do whatever song." Red giggled as Blue grabbed him and pulled him into a headlock. "You can't fool me completely."

"Ack Blue stop!" Red squeaked, and Blue did so. But instead of leaving, Red clambered into Blue's lap. "I'm too tired to get up." He 'explained'. Blue stuck his tongue out at the smaller boy, making him laugh again. "Okay then, you weren't the one practically holding someone the whole time though." Red just rolled his eyes.

Blue picked Red up and threw him onto the couch, sitting beside him. Red nuzzled Blue's jacket and hugged him tightly. "I'm gonna sleep right here." He told the other.

"Aight." Blue kissed his forehead, and reached for a pillow.

Hellooooo hope you enjoyed. I actually played this with my cousins the other day and did the dance XD it was fun k?!
I dunno if I have any requests, but if I do ill try to write some more.

See y'all later!

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