Its his own fault!

726 17 2

I'm bored so here's cute stuff.
Did I mention I'm bored?
This won't be too good but.... Whatever.


Red was curled up against Blue, who was trying his best to act annoyed of his prescience by facing away in silence. Red didn't mind all too much, as long as Blue didn't kick him out of bed.

It was early in the morning, yet early enough for everyone to still want to sleep. All was quiet in the house as always, if any one was up, it was barely noticeable. (Minus Vio, he's always silently reading in his room)

Red adjusted his position quietly before trying to hug Blue but accidentally poked his side gently. He became interested once Blue twitched slightly.

Red sat up slowly pushing away the blankets that covered Blue's side. He was pretty sure Blue was half-awake by now, but being Blue he wouldn't acknowledge Red and pretend hoping the small boy would leave him to sleep.

Red poked Blue's side again, testing where he made Blue move. He poked the spot roughly beneath Blue's ribcage before Blue twitches again. "Red, go to sleep dangit." The grump rolled over and tucked his face into his pillow irritatedly.

Wicked thoughts flashed through Red's mind, did he find something hidden about Blue? The optimistic boy couldn't help but give in to his mischievous ways.

Raising his hand ever so slightly, he jabbed Blue in the side. (What you would call a taser I believe!) Blue let out a muffled laugh into his pillow before stifling any other noise abruptly.

Was Blue..... Ticklish???? All those times, Red finally had something against him! "Blue... Are you ticklish?" Red giggled slightly.

"No. Your hearing things. Now freakin stop it." He growled back. Red sighed contently before grabbing the blankets again, he wouldn't want to get pushed out of bed.

*le time skip*

Later that same day, after getting Blue out of bed which was a hard task, Red strolled downstairs to cook for the other Links. (Blue stayed in his room to clean, him and his cleanliness...)

It was a slow morning, but with a good breakfast everyone was pretty awake. It was also a sluggish day out, cloudy and not very warm. Therefore, the first half of the day was probably going to be spent inside. Vio sat in the recliner, as Blue sprawled out on the couch while Green helped Red clean.

"Blue you gotta move there's no where else to sit." Green spoke bored-like once he returned to the living room


"C'mon just move!"

"How about NO." Blue snapped. Red entered the living room not a minute later, "Blue, please move. I mean, I can sit on the floor but just let Green sit there!" Green nodded in agreement.

Sometimes the smallest things can be arguments. Red wasn't getting any support from Vio, and Blue still lay there lazily. "I'll help you Green~" Red began to get a 'brilliant' idea.

Green didn't really care, he just wanted to sit.

"Blue, I'm gonna ask you one more time. Please move~" Red chirruped, bending down slightly to get Blue's attention. "And I'm gonna ask you to go away." He grumbled back.

Exactly what Red had expected. Everything was working in his favor for once! "Okie dokie than..." Red said quietly before jabbing Blue in his 'vulnerable side.' Almost immediately Blue began laughing hysterically.

"S-stoooooop!" Blue choked out between laughing, as Red kept his hand in his side. "Will you move than~?" Red glanced back to see Green cracking up also.

"Y-yeah j-just stoooop!!" He panted. Red removed his hand, leaving Blue huffing and trying to regain air. Green snickered and shoved Blue over to sit on the couch. "You'll have to show me how to do that sometime Red." He commented.

Blue glared daggers at his two clones. "Eh, maybe~" Red laughed before going to do who knows what.

Later, the sun came out and everyone took the opportunity to go spar a bit. Red watched Vio and Green duel it out, while also watching Blue practice on a tree. Vio bested Green quickly, leaving Green to yell over that Blue could come in now.

Red had already gotten out, he didn't care all too much for fighting. Yet it was nice to watch. Most of the time. Green, for once in a while this would happen, managed to best Blue.

Blue began blaming random aspects of the game, that that was the reason he lost. Green insisted it was fair, and before long the arguing commensed.

Red got up to figure out what the heck was going on now. "Hey guys! It's okay, it doesn't matter really!" Blue snorted at the comment. "If he," he pointed at Green accusingly, "hadn't been cheating I would've won though!"

"I wasn't cheating you just suck at swordplay!"

"What did you say shorty?"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Red shook his head, there was never any point to these fights. Sure, they weren't as bad as before but they happen. "Blue. Don't make me." Red once again had that wicked smirk on his face with his hand slightly raised.

"You wouldn't!"

"Would too."

Red advanced only a step before Blue yelped and ran a safe distance from the boy. "Go away!"

Red laughed before continuing to chase Blue around, usually out running him. After 'assaulting' Blue again, Red sat back against a tree watching Blue who was sprawled in the grass panting.

"I hate you!" He puffed out.

"Aw, love you too Blue~"

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