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Okie dokie... So I needed to write something so here y'all go. I had a perfect opportunity! (As in inspiration wise :3 )

Last night, after reading a few fanfiction's (hmm I wonder about what) I had DREAMS about foursword shippings and scenarios. Like holy fudge talk about cool.

Who knew my head was that (un) cool! {lies} There was two scenarios to my dreams, one of which I remember clearest and the other was just flat out weeeiiirrrrdddddddd. Wait, both were insanely weird. (Good god were they confusing)

So, it's short but whatever. Probably cheesy too. My dreams are weird. (Is there a double underline?) and no, I wasn't in the dream lol. Yay lemme start.
(FYI this like is an A/U where Shadow was never considered 'good/helpful' yet. Possibly after Vio attempted to break the mirror and yah.)

The four links had been wandering through some woods, the large slanting hills and tall trees were quite relaxing to walk through. Of course, with the steep hills they became quite tired.

Towards dusk they sat down for the night, because Red had complained, and Vio began to grab the book he had traveled with. Except, he felt off.

"Do any of you feel weird?" He questioned, to receive shakes of their heads. Blue was probably too tired to say something annoying.

"Hm." Vio finally grabbed his book and sat against the fairly spread out trees. Suddenly, as if in response to Vio's observation, a certain purple haired boy seemingly materialized by their little site.

"S-shadow link?" Green stuttered before the four of them got up to un-sheathe their swords. Vio wearily un-sheathed his, studying his possible opponent.

~Vio's P.O.V~
(This is partially because I saw the dream through his eyes, but I sure as heck couldn't control what he was doing.)

The way Shadow stood seemed off. Either something was wrong with me or everything was fairly weird. "What are you doing here?" Blue growled.

Shadow simply laughed coldly before using his dark powers to section off us four from him with a bar like structure. How did he do that?

"Shut your trap and I can explain." Shadow bleakly replied. He wrung his hands once before focusing on his words. "I've had enough of all of you."

His eyes flashed red as he observed us like I did to him. I earned myself one of his quick glares too. Guilt pierced my heart, I still feel horrifying.

"So while I have you here, I can do other things without you annoying... Things around." Shadow seemed pressured, as if he didn't really know why he would keep us here.

He re-assumed his posture and stalked off, like something we said set him off. I don't know how confused I could get. Even the others were speechless.

Well, of course naturally I would have to get out of this make-shift cell. How could he do that so fast.

"Vio, what do we do?" Red quietly spoke. I shrugged, how would I know. Placing my hands atop the bar-like, well whatever he had set, I easily hoisted myself up. Yet, I was taller than all of them so I'd have to help.

"That was... Easy." I mumbled, before I realized the others were still here.

"I think you'll have to help us up!" Red assumed his cheery-hopeful attitude. Blue just nodded, like he already knew they could get out through the top.

I didn't really look at Green, I didn't care too much for his response. I began to reach and hand down to Red, but I threw off my balance quickly.

I lurched back and scrambled for a grip. I hit the ground hard outside of the 'cage', and tumbled down the hill clumsily. Red might have yelled something, but all I could hear was a high-pitched ring.

Finally coming to a stop after hitting bushes, rocks, sticks, and all in between, I was gasping on the ground. I placed my hands beneath me and attempted pushing myself up, yet my head felt sharp stabs of pain along with my wrist.

I cried out in pain and collapsed. Beneath the ringing in my ears I heard someone shouting. I couldn't decipher what they were saying.

It couldn't have been Green, Blue, or Red though. Even if they managed to get out, I don't think they would have made it to me by then. If they cared, I thought.

I clenched my teeth before trying to get up again, shutting my eyes tightly. ".......stop!" The same persons voice was fuzzy before it came clear to me.

Not knowing what to do, I simply complied to the order. "Are you okay? I-uh Vio? Vio talk to me."

Was it Red that would run down here to check on me? But... That voice.

"Shad...ow?" I managed to speak. I wasn't hurt that bad, but I had landed on my head so even my vision was blurry.

"Vi... Omigosh Vi. I'm so sorry I just- I -..." He stuttered once again.

Why did he even care? I betrayed him, wasn't he upset? "Aren't you mad... At me-errr us?"  I shook my head lightly, as I attempted brushing the dirt off my eyes.

My vision cleared enough to see Shadow with his hands raised, as if wanting to help but wasn't allowed to. "No, gods no Vi. It's just- I - Vaa-"

"No... You don't need to explain..." I winced as I sat up, and grimaced at how dirty I was. That was the least of my issues though, wasn't it?

Shadow, unexpectedly, pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm not mad... I didn't want to stop you guys... It ain't right. My heart stopped when I saw you fall... I just." He sighed at defeat in finding words.

I suppressed another physical wince as he held on to me. Yes, I was confused, but I felt better being by Shadow. My dirt covered hair fell all over my face in a mess.

I gave up in any attempt to hide my pleasure for the moment and rested my head on his chest. It helped the pain.

And then it like stopped. Or I woke up. Can't remember. This was the worst thing I ever wrote xD horrible plot line, no reasons for anything, out of character characters, good gosh.

I lacked so many details I'm mah dream.... Well whatever.

Bye ~

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