...Talk shippy to me...

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Hello author here as always! I just feel like talking ships now. So yah! I get real confused on what people ship sometimes ya know? (Says the person who probably ships just as awful things)

I heard of GreenxBlue so I looked into it (the wonders of Fanfiction) and I 'accidentally' got into it.
--As of liking it of course-- It seems like such an unlikely but possible pair.... Sure they are always ticked off at each other about something but wouldn't that draw y'all closer to someone? Or you know, you argue with your loved ones.

(Not too many fanfiction's about it at all though.) Reasonably, Blue and Green have as much of a chance as Blue and Red. (Listen to me blab on about stupid stuff :D) Red and Blue have gotten pretty upset with each other, referring to the manga, and Green and Blue have argued but it was small and usually quick.

Weird how things could work. Now, I had read a pretty good fanfic about Vio x Red earlier. (I'm saying good because I don't want to offend anyone) and I really don't like it. Well, it ain't the worst thing ever. I honestly don't see all to much of a reason for Vio to like Red though, I guess the same with Green and Blue.

(Okie, peoples, Red and Blue makes sense cuz half of the adventure they are stuck together so THERE)

Here's a tiny list of ships I know of and it would be SO cool if you-reader- would comment what you ship! I want to have a convo *^* well here's my tiny key of ships~
(Range of: Nope;Eh;Better than most; and ship. )

Red x Blue: Ship :3
Vio x Shadow: Ship :3
Red x Vio: Eeeeehhhhh
Vaati x Shadow: Nope sorry
Shadow x Green: Nope
Shadow x Blue: eh/nope
Blue x Vio: wut/nope
(Believe me I've heard all'a'those)
Blue x Green: Better than most/ship
Uhmmm tryin to think.
Vaati x Green: Nah
Comment yours or PM me~
(I believe that's what it's called)
How come Blue gets tons of ships? Pry cuz he's hawt. -did not just say that-

I wanna hear y'all's opinion!

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