Ooooooo Halloween prompts

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If you think any of these are cool, comment. I mostly put this up just cuz it's cool!
Vampire/werewolf AU.
Physical ailments (knife/bullet wounds; illness/fever.
)Forbidden relationship (characters cannot be together and pine from a distance; characters do get together but must always be secretive about it.)
Fears; phobias.
Rituals (up to author's interpretation: could be a séance, could be a sexual ritual, could be a sexy séance. Whatever strikes your fancy.
)Knifeplay.*Evil!character(s) AU.
Nightmares; bad dreams; hallucinations.
Victorian Gothic / English Gothic AU (elements of a gothic novel found here.)
Obsession (stalking; possessive behavior; Character A thinks about Character B so much it's borderline/full-out creepy, etc.)
Urban legends or creepy pastas (i.e. one of your characters is stalked by Slender Man)
Sadism / masochism / pain as an erotic element.Death fic / grief.Last kiss
It's The End of The World as We Know It (the villain wins; zombie apocalypse!AU; any kind of terrible, world-ending scenario you can imagine.)Breathplay.
*Betrayal (to an enemy; by a cheating partner, etc.)
Gags / silence.Fairy tale-inspired horror.
Negative emotion (A). (Anger, hatred, jealousy, violent impulses.)Negative emotion (B). (Sadness, missing someone, helplessness.)
Dirty talk.Fighting / arguing.
Ghosts, hauntings (whether by external source or a dead character.)
Torture.Bondage / rope play / restraints used.
Doomed relationships ("But this can never work!" ; reflecting on how the situation will eventually end in heartbreak; dating the enemy, etc.)
Darkness / lack of light.
Inspired by classic horror (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Curse of the Mummy, etc.)
Demons / fallen angels / angels / any mythological equivalent.
Love/hate relationships (emphasis on elements of personality that characters don't like about each other; "I hate you so much I just want to make out with you!" etc.)
Sensory deprivation.
Lovecraftian Horror.
denial.Bad memories (flashbacks, being forced to relive via magic or an in-universe equivalent, etc. Domination/submission (sexual or psychological.)
Southern Gothic AU.
Cracky B-movie horror. (Giant crocodiles, giant snakes, sharknados, etc.)Anonymity during sex.Inspired by modern horror. (Paranormal Activity, Silent Hill, The Possession, the Saw franchise, etc.)Bloodplay.
*Mirrors (Dopplegangers; mirror-versions of a character/setting where everything is it's opposite; mirror ghost games such as Bloody Mary; narcissism, etc.)
Abandoned locations (asylums, hospitals, towns, carnivals, etc.)

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