Puppy Police

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Short Kaider police AU. Promoted by @Purplepanda22et
Drawing by mf-islands on tumblr.


The files fell to the table with a plop.

A charbroiled man sat at one end of the table. His face seemed frozen on a sneer.

His sneer was pretty terrifying, but at the other end of the table, the young woman's glare could not be competed with.

"We've got all the evidence right here," Cinder said, her voice dangerously calm. She placed her hand on the canvas folders. "We could open them, and you'd immediately be sent to jail ..." She shrugged. "Or you could confess, cut your sentence in half."

The man sneered. "Aren't you a little young for interrogation, sweetheart? You ain't scarin' me."

Cinder stood up straight, placing her hands on her hips. "We'll see."

Outside, Kai watched through the one-way mirror, his arms folded. Beside him was police chief Rikan, Kai's father.

"Are you sure she'll be able to --"Rikan started, but Kai stopped him with a hand.

"Just you watch, chief."

And sure enough, twenty minutes later, they had a grown man, close to tears, blubbering about how he was the one who set up the bank heist.

Rikan and another officer escorted him out, cleverly leaving Cinder and Kai alone.

Once the door was shut on the interrogation room, Kai said, "how do you do it?"

Cinder was messing with some files, she turned toward him, looking indifferent. She shrugged. "Men ... are a lot like dogs."

"Excuse me?"

"Hey, what do you expect me to say," Cinder asked, arching an eyebrow, "I'm from the K-9 unit."

Kai took the files from Cinder's hand. "Tell you what," he said, leaning closer to her, "how 'bout I pick you up 'round eight, take you out, and you can tell me all your secrets."

Cinder inched closer. "Sounds interesting ... maybe I should ..." Their lips were about to touch, when something short and furry came barreling into the room. Cinder looked around, and her face broke into a smile.

"Iko!" She kneeled next to the German Shepard, scratching her behind her pointy ears. "How are you doing girl, huh? How you doin', how you doin'?"

"So you're telling me," Kai said, sitting next to her, "that I think like her?"

Cinder just laughed, and kept scratching Iko fur. Kai was about to say something, when a scratchy voice came over his walkie-talkie.

He sighed and unlatched it from his belt. "Officer Commenwealth, state your code."

"We've got a robbery on West and 22nd, American National Bank. Prime suspects escaped into the nearby forest, we caught one of 'em."

"Right, I'll get squadron Alpha over there. K-9 unit to get the escapees. Who'd you nab?"

"Guy named Carswell Thorne, calls himself 'Captain'. He's got a history of burgling. You know, he's good, but the ground's shrinking beneath his feet."

"Right, be there in ten." He put down the walkie-talkie and turned to Cinder, grinning. "You ready to get back into action?"

"I've never been more ready," Cinder answered. Iko barked.

Kai and Cinder One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant