Part 1

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Harry Potter AU :D
Part 1 out of 2

This is the 100 follower special!


Nope, don't look at him.

The scratching of quills filled her ears, but that wasn't the thing distracting her.

The main ingredient for a Polyjuice potion --

He was leaning back in his chair, rolling up his sleeves and refreshing his quill of ink.

The bezoar is primarily used for ...

He was sucking on the end of his quill now, running a hand through his hair --

"Miss Linh?" Cinder was suddenly jolted from her stupor, her arm knocking over her ink well and spilling it all over her paper. She winced and looked up to see who had interrupted her.

Professor Erland's face stared shrewdly back at her. He glanced down at the mess on her desk, then back at her. "Kindly stop staring at Mr. Commonwealth and finish your quiz, if you please." Cinder's face grew hot as nearly the whole class burst out laughing.

Cinder looked down at her hands in shame, not daring to look up at Kai, who was no doubt laughing with the rest of them.

"No wonder she's such a klutz," someone shouted, "with that cripple hand of hers!" Cinder turned redder still, and her left hand started to ache. She rubbed it, making sure nothing was exposed under the black glove that covered it.

When the giggling had died down, Cinder raised her head, still burning with humiliation, and cleaned off her desk with a quick swipe of her wand, and got back to work.

No more distractions.

Once, she glanced up, but Kai was hunched over his test, looking deep in concentration.

Suddenly, his head snapped up, and his eyes followed Professor Erland, who was walking between desks a ways away in a cluster of Ravenclaws. He glanced back down again, and then to his side, taking what looked like a note in his hand and passing it to a Slytherin beside him.

No doubt about how best to torture me, Cinder thought bitterly, and she forced her quill so hard onto her paper the tip snapped.

She didn't look up for the entire test, and when the bell rang, she didn't raise her head, slinging her messenger bag over her shoulder, stuffed with quills, parchment and books, and stomped out of the classroom.

Before she exited, she managed to hear Professor Erland call, "and remember! The dance is tonight, but that doesn't mean I let you easy on your exams!"

It was lunch, and the great hall was bustling with people. Cinder sat alone at the Gryffindor table, as usual, away from the people chatting at the head.

She took out a book and buried her nose into it. It was a muggle book that she enjoyed, about a girl who lived in the distant future, an outcast just because she was different ...

Suddenly, someone tapped on her shoulder, and she shut the book and spun round. The angry face of Carswell Thorne glared at her.

Carswell Thorne. Cinder hated him. First of all, he was a Slytherin, and it was common knowledge that Gryffindors didn't normally get along with themS Second of all, he was an arrogant, stuck-up rich boy that everyone liked only because he was good looking. And, of course, he loved to pick on her.

Kai and Cinder One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant