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Three words: Kaider playing MarioKart.


Cinder's thumbs whizzed over the controller.

"They're gonna flank us," she said, "you go left, I'll go right. Then we'll deploy artillery."

"You meant the turtle shells?" Kai said to her right.

"Whatever." Then she gasped. "Kai, careful! You're gonna fall off!"

"Wha--" Cinder took hold of his controller and made him veer to the left. On the screen, his character centered itself in the middle of the road.

Cinder harrumphed. "You said you wanted to win Rainbow Road."

"But how am I supposed to beat you?" Kai said exasperatedly. "You've beaten me -- how many times?"

"Twenty-six," Cinder answered, but then she scowled. "But that doesn't matter! You can't get better unless you try."

Kai sighed. "Fine, but can we start over?"

Cinder shrugged. "Whatever. I'll still crush you."

"What happened to 'you can do it, Kai'?"

Cinder didn't answer. She swerved her character so that it rammed into Kai's. "Hey!" he protested. Cinder smirked.

They played on, and soon, they were neck and neck, last lap, the finish line in sight.

Kai thought desperately, and a devious plan popped in his head.

He leaned close to Cinder. "You're so talented, Cinder," he said alluringly. She didn't react, so Kai turned her chin towards him.

He kissed her, and she was surprised for a moment, until her controller went limp in her hand.

Kai watched the netscreen out of the corner of his eye. Cinder's character had slowed to a stop, but Kai's crossed the finish line.

He tore away from Cinder with a triumphant cry. "Haha!"

"Wha?" Cinder said.

"In your face!" Kai yelled, pumping his fists into the air.

Cinder seemed to just realize what was happening. "What the heck?!"

"I am triumphant!" Kai stood and bowed, waving to an invisible crowd. "I have defeated the champion!"

"No! That didn't count!" Cinder stood as well, jabbing her finger onto Kai's chest. "You cheated!"

"Psh, you could have turned away. You're just a sore loser."

Cinder folded her arms and scowled. "I am never letting you kiss me again."

Kai and Cinder One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant