Tech Support

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Tech support AU

Prompted by: @PurplePanda22et and @Halliebear130508

(I swear this is the last one)

Oh, if his mom knew ...

Kai pulled out his phone. He even had the number on speed dial, he was that desperate.

Nevertheless, he called up the number. It rang for a couple seconds, and a familiar voice of a young woman came over the line.

"Cyborg tech support, we're here for all your electronic needs. My name is Cinder, how may I help you today?"

"Uhh," Kai stammered like an idiot.

"Oh, this is that guy isn't it," the voice said over the phone, sounding immediately annoyed.

"Hehe," Kai laughed nervously, pulling on his collar. "Yup, that's me."

"Look, I don't know why on earth you keep calling. This is a tech support line. Now either tell me you have a broken computer or hang up." Kai didn't say anything. There was a long, annoyed sigh. "I'm gonna hang up now, this is just weird."

"No wait!" Kai yelled, but he was too late. The young woman hung up, and Kai was left alone.

He let out a breath. "This is weird," he admitted to himself. He didn't even know what she looked like, yet just the sound of her voice allured him plenty.

Yeah, it was creepy.

What if she was actually some psychopathic killer, and this so called "Cyborg Tech Support Company" was just a cover story. No doubt she thought he was a psychopathic killer.

Nevertheless, whether it be a day or a thousand years, Kai would get that girls number.

The next day, Kai arrived at the companies main shop in the city. It was a small, private owned company, so they only had about three shops in the state. He hefted up the computer he had brought, mostly just an excuse for coming.

And immediately, Kai saw her.

He wasn't sure how he knew, but it was definitely her.


Or maybe it was just because she had a name tag that read "Cinder".

He needed a game plan. The only thing he could play on was that she wouldn't recognize him. He hadn't exactly made the best impression over the phone, so he needed to start over.

Of course, he wasn't doing a very good job. He was kind of just stalling awkwardly in the shops doorway, because whoa.

She was maybe sixteen, with skin like mocha and brown hair up in a messy ponytail. Kai almost dropped his "broken" computer.

She finally noticed him. "Welcome to Cyborg Tech Support, how may I help you?"

Kai did the only thing he could think to do: stutter like an idiot. "Uh, uh, duh."

Cinder gaze turned wary. "Are you alright, sir?"

Finally, Kai found his cool. He strode to her desk and set down the computer. "My computer's been acting up," he said. "It won't turn on."

Before answering, Cinder sized him up. Kai took that as an opportunity to show off one of his heart-stopping smiles. Cinder's cheeks flushed red.

"Sorry," she stammered, looking away from him. "It's just, I think I know you."

Kai panicked and paled. "Uh, I don't think so, because I don't know you."

"Wait ..." Her flustered expression melted and she scowled. "You're that guy who keeps calling me!"

"What? No, no I'm not --"

"You're kind of cute, actually," she said unexpectedly, and it was Kai's turn to blush.

"Well, I, um --"

"I was expecting some fat, old, bald guy," she said nonchalantly.

"Well, um. I'm not. Surprise?"

She looked at him calculatingly, then her gaze fell to the computer on her desk. "That's not even broken is it."

Kai laughed nervously. "Hehe, yeah, no, it's not. You got me!" She looked him over one last time, took the computer of the desk and disappeared in the back. When she came back out, her eyes sparkled with amusement.

"I'll 'fix' your computer, free of charge. Come back tomorrow."

"Wha, I uh ... Okay." With that, he very awkwardly fast-walked out.

The next day, when he came back, Cinder was gone, and some guy had taken his place. The guy looked at him when he came through the door.

"You're Kai Commonwealth?"

"Uh, yes?" The guy hefted a computer onto the front desk.

"Your computer's ready."

Kai took the computer with thanks and left the shop. He let out a long, disappointed sigh. He was about to get into his car, when his finger caught on a piece of paper. It was stuck in a crevice in the computer, so he pulled it out. At first he was just going to throw it away, thinking it was probably the receipt, but he stopped himself.

On the small scrap of paper, a number was written, and underneath it, "Cinder" and "call me" was scrawled.

Kai smiled.

Kai and Cinder One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant