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Uh oh, someone's jealous. Prompted by @SilverEmpressTLC


The ballroom was so crowded with people, Cinder could barely move her arms without jabbing someone in the ribs with her elbow.

Kai guided her through the sea of gowns and coat tails. She clung to his elbow for dear life, afraid she'd be swept away by the rushing tide.

Kai scanned the crowd, turning his head from side to side. He had told Cinder he was searching for an old friend, someone he hadn't seen in awhile.

Cinder didn't know what that meant. Was he getting bored of her, was he cheating? Stars, this relationship thing was too complicated. Cinder had worried about little things Kai said, gestures, habits. Thorne had said several times that when Kai ran his hand through his hair, it meant he secretly hated Cinder's outfit.

Kai ran a hand through his hair, which didn't help Cinder's nerves.

Finally, they pulled up at the edge of the crowd, where a small group of tables stood around the bar. They were largely empty, except for one woman, standing alone, a glass of sparkling wine in her hand.

She turned as they approached, and -- oh stars --she was absolutely gorgeous.

She had dark skin, darker than Cinder's but lighter than Winter's, and the brightest pair of amber eyes Cinder had ever seen. They contrasted beautifully with her skin tone, and Cinder immediately felt resentment bubble inside her.

Kai looked happy though, which made Cinder's resentment harden into absolute hate. In a matter of three seconds of seeing her, Cinder already loathed this woman.

The worst part, was that the woman didn't seem to hate her back.

"Kai!" she said, her face bright with a pearly smile. "It's been so long, your Imperial Highness."

Kai laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck as his ears flared red, just like every time he was flustered. Cinder's anger grew.

No, the word wasn't anger, the word was jealous.

She pushed the thought away. She shouldn't be jealous. Kai was her boyfriend, what should she be worried about? Still, the way Kai smiled at this woman unnerved Cinder.

"Cinder," he said, snapping her out of her detesting thoughts, "this is Melody. Melody, Cinder, Cinder, Melody."

Melody smirked and cocked her head, like Cinder was a cute little puppy begging for some table scraps. Cinder was not a puppy. She ate at the table, on a chair, she was --

Oookay, stay cool Cinder, she thought to herself.

She held out her hand, her cyborg hand. It was a test she used nowadays, now that she was more comfortable with her oddities. She tested people's character this way. If she was a jerk, she'd resent the gesture, but if she was alright, she'd shake.

Melody shook, looking completely unfazed. Cinder hated her even more now.

"Nice to meet you," Cinder forced, plastering in a smile. She'd been working on formalities and small talk. The trick was to act like it was a pleasure, even if it wasn't. "Might I ask where you're from?"

"I'm from the American Republic," she said smoothly, which would explain her accent. "But recently I've been searching for a life here. Had to get away from my family, you of all people would understand that."

What, was Cinder's life a net drama now?

"Yeah." She forced a laugh and another smile. "How do you know Kai?"

Kai stepped in for this one. "Melody was my first girlfriend," he answered, looking oblivious to what he had just said. "Remember when we broke up, Melody?"

She laughed. "Why, yes. I sure gave you hell didn't I." Kai laughed with her, and for once the sound tightened a knot in Cinder's stomach instead of loosening one.

Cinder couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me," she murmured, not bothering to mask her glare at Melody. "I think I need some air."

Kai seemed to just realize what was happening. "Wait, what?" He tried to stop her, but Cinder cut him off, walking away swiftly, out toward the gardens.

It was night, and the moon blazed in the sky. Tomorrow, she'd have to go back there.

Her eyes stung as she walked the cobblestone paths. How could Kai do that. Bring his ex-girlfriend, his gorgeous ex-girlfriend, make Cinder meet her. What did he expect? That they'd get all chummy at first sight, maybe swap Pokémon cards.

Cinder plopped down on a stone bench, fuming. She didn't notice Kai approach until he sat down next to her.

"What do you want," she said, the words coming out a little harsher than she intended, but she didn't care. If Kai wanted her to hate him, by the stars she would hate him.

Kai just smiled sadly, some of his hair falling into his caramel brown eyes, which didn't help.

"Listen, Cinder ..." He exhaled a slow breath. "I'm sorry about Melody. She came on such short notice, and I hadn't seen her in so long. She's my friend, Cinder. One of my only true friends. As a crowned monarch, those don't exactly grow on trees."

Cinder's anger softened, but her voice still had an edge to it when she looked to Kai. "So what's your point."

"I'm sorry; that's my point. I just ... oh never mind, my excuses don't matter."

Cinder had all this pent up anger, and she was ready to release it, but where could it go now? He had apologized. She cursed, making Kai jump.

"Kai! Quit it!"

"Wha --?"

"How am I supposed to hate you if you keep acting like Prince Charming! Apologizing for your mistakes, what am I supposed to say to that!"

"That you forgive me ...?"

"Well I do!" Cinder folded her arms and huffed.

Kai smiled. "Good, because I think people are starting to stare."

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