Jelousy Pt 2

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Someone else is jealous. I wonder who it could be ... HMMMMMMM

Prompted by:@SilverEmpressTLC and @LectoraFever


They sat in Kai's office. It was a diplomatic meeting, so their relationship was strictly platonic, for now. Especially since Konn Torin, Kai's advisor, was watching in a corner of the room, along with Cinder's new first tier thaumaturge: Haven White, and a couple of guards each.

What do you think of when you hear the name 'Haven'? Maybe a young woman, fair of face, dark hair tumbling in loose curls down her back. Nope. Haven was a guy.

He had blond hair, dirty with strips of brown. It was tousled and unkempt, like he didn't spend a lot of time combing it. He had hazel eyes like a deep forest. He was probably In his early twenties, definitely young for a first tier thaumaturge. He seemed to always have a smile on his face, and he loved to talk.

Kai hated him.

Right now, he was trying to strike up a conversation with Torin, talking animatedly about pie -- or something.

Kai and Cinder sat together on the couch, a respectable distance apart. Kai spoke in a hurried whisper.

"Why did you promote that guy," he asked.

Cinder, who had been talking about a drought in Africa, looked pokerfaced. Then she frowned. "Kai, again with this? Haven is a loyal subject, he earned his post."

"But ... but --"

"No buts, I don't know what you have against him, but it is my duty to appoint the correct people, and it is not your place to judge me."

Kai slumped, she was getting better at debate.

Torin walked to them, his face set like steel as it always was. "If you will excuse me your highness, I am needed elsewhere."

"Of course, Torin," Kai excused him. The advisor bowed low, and walked from the room. Haven was left, grinning about nothing. Kai wished he could leave.

Thankfully, the thaumaturge knew his place. He sat down opposite Kai and Cinder, his white robes, trimmed with gold, spilled out around him.

"Haven," Cinder began. Her tone was a little to kindly for Kai's liking. "Anything to report?"

"Exports and imports are up ten fold, your Majesty," Haven began. "Your insert of androids into Lunar society has created some controversy, but so far the majority of the population are alright with the change."

Cinder nodded thoughtfully. "Continue the operation then."

Haven flashed her a cheeky grin, and stood. He bowed. "I will retreat to my chambers." He left the room, trailed by the remaining guards.

Kai hoped the thaumaturge had noticed his glare.

Cinder obviously did.

"Is there something wrong, Kai? You've been acting weird." She took her hair out of her up do, and it went tumbling around her shoulders. Kai's mouth was suddenly dry, and he forgot what he was going to say.

"Uh ..." He gathered back his senses. "I just ... don't think Haven is that responsible!"

"Kai ..." She rubbed her eyes, sighing. "What is this really about."

Kai leaned back on the couch, crossing his legs. Lately, as Cinder became accustomed to her new life as the Queen of Luna, things had kind of run stale between them. Whatever they'd had when Kai had kissed her for the first time of the Rampion, they didn't have anymore. It wasn't that Kai didn't love Cinder, he did, they just needed something new.

"Tell you what," he said, leaning foreword. "How about I treat you to dinner."

"Kai, I've got work --" Cinder began, but Kai stopped her.

"Give me one evening, we can go to a fancy restaurant, forget the world. We can be like a normal couple for once. Just you and me."

Cinder eyes went downcast. Then she smiled, turning back to him. "Alright."

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