Part 2

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Harry Potter AU part 2 out of 2


"You need a whole day to get ready for a dance?!?"

Iko furrowed her brow. "You don't need to be so judgmental."

"But a whole day!?!" Cinder said exasperatedly. "Why?"

"Just because you don't appreciate appearance doesn't mean nobody can."

"But -- what -- argh!" Cinder plopped down on one of the honey-colored chairs in the Hufflepuff common room. She felt like she really needed a nap. "I give up."

"Why do you need a whole day to get ready?" Cress asked incredulously.

"I need a shower and a face mask and I need to pluck my eyebrows and --"

"Pluck your eyebrows!" Wolf gasped, looking frightened. "Th-that must hurt!"

"Beauty is pain, my dear Wolf," Iko replied, smiling.

"I think we should go," Kai suddenly said. "Classes and stuff." They all nodded, Iko looking a little disappointed, and walked out.

Cinder followed after them, but Kai stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

She turned round. Kai's face was burning with blush, all the way from his ears to his neck. "Are, um, are you okay?" Cinder asked.

"Y-yeah, I just had a question." He bit his lip, took in a shaking breath, than looked up. The sincerity in his eyes took Cinder aback.

"Do you wanna go to the dance with me?"

Kai and Cinder One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant