I Do

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Konatsu x Bride Reader

You stood in front of a tall mirror, looking at a pure white dress that fit you perfectly. It flowed all the way down to your ankles, and revealed white shin length boots with heels. Your (H/L) hair was let loose, while being kept out of your face by a white hairband that was decorated with white pearls. "You look beautiful (Y/N)". Your mother said as she walked in. You turned around and stared at her. Tears threatened to fall as you looked at her. "Here," She handed you a necklace. "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue."

Something old, new and borrowed were already taken cared of, however something blue was missing. " I know that look." Your mother said as she saw you looking to the floor. When you heard that, you snapped your head back to your mother. "The stones in the necklace are blue (Y/N)." You then looked down to see that she was right. Though it was troublesome, a wedding with a certain blonde haired military official was something not many people wold have thought about.

It all started with a small encounter, bumping into him on one of your nightly walks. He held a very high stack of loose paper, and seemed like he was struggling. You were on your way home from doing your boss' paperwork that he was supposed to do. So when you bumped into him and sent his papers flying, you were snapped out from your swearing trance and realised that your document fell to the ground as well. There was a piece of paper at your feet, so you assumed it was yours and tucked it in your carrier bag.

You then crouched down to pick up the pieces paper that were near you. When you were done, you held the stack to you and offered to carry them to his destination. He wanted to decline, but the moment he opened his mouth, you cut him off, saying how it was your fault and this was the least you could do. While walking, you got to know him a little better. You knew he was a great swordsman, he was in the military and he was a very important person.

When you reached, you walked into the building, still holding the stack of paper, and stopped in front of an oak door. With no indication of whose office it was, you assumed it was the male's office. Then it struck you. You have yet to know the male's name. You decided to introduce yourself afterwards. However, before you were able to move forward another step, the male stopped you. "You should stay out here. Oh and the papers in your hands are for me, not Miroku-sama."

You then looked at the door and gawked at it. Back there is where Chairman Miroku resided, however you had no intention of meeting him in person. You had always been intimidated just by hearing his name. "O-okay... T-tell me t-the way to y-your office then. I-I will put these documents t-there." You stuttered. You never were a person who could hide emotions well. The male saw this, and told you to wait outside of the building. You complied and sighed once you were out.

You then put the stack of papers down onto the floor. Once it was secured with your bag on the stack, you leaned against the tree you had stopped under. Once comfortable, you slowly slid down to sit on the grassy floor, and pulled a water bottle out to gulp the water down. You seldom had anxiety attacks, but when it came, it usually started with dehydration before hyperventilation. So you continued to gulp the water down. You had factored out the possibility to see that man, that's why you followed the blonde male to his destination.

Soon, footsteps could be heard. You looked up and saw the blonde male. You apologised for the outburst, and asked for his name. "Konatsu." He said and stuck his hand out. "(Y/N)." You said as you shook his hand. After that you left to go home. When you reached, you took a shower and went to sleep right away. You could sleep in, because the next day was your day off.

The next day came, and you were awoken by a loud knock on your front door.  You got up, and rinsed your mouth, in fear of ever getting morning breath. Next you ran a hand through your (H/L) hair and straightened your clothes as you walked to the door. When you opened it, Konatsu stood with a piece of paper in his hands. He greeted you good morning, before holding the paper to you. You took the paper and inspected the contents.

'Th-This is!' You thought to yourself as you saw your handwriting on the piece of paper. You then rushed into your house, grabbed your carrier bag and rummaged through it. Finally finding the piece of paper you had picked up, and scanned the paper. 'Darn, I took his paperwork.' You thought as you walked back to your front door. You then handed the piece of paper to Konatsu sheepishly. He scanned through, and smiled at you. Just as he was about to leave, you called out to him.

"Konatsu, please accept that you come in for a drink." You said as you opened the door a little wider. He smiled at you and said, "Sure." He then took off his shoes before entering your home. You led him to the kitchen and asked of his patience while you freshened up. Taking a quick shower, you got changed and rushed down to make the drinks. By the time you were down, Konatsu had settled comfortably in a chair at the round marble table that you had.

The both of you had small chats, and ended up strengthening a bond that you thought would break by leaving him that night. Days passed, and you and Konatsu got closer and closer, to the point you became his girlfriend. Though he could not do much because of his almost daily missions. More days passed, and you saw Konatsu getting very stressed after everyday. However you knew you could not help him, because you had no knowledge on whatever he was doing. So you had no choice but to leave him to do it alone.

A year later, you were called out by Konatsu, and was brought to a secluded area. This was the very moment that changed your life forever. Konatsu knelt down on one knee, causing your hand to cover your mouth as you gasped with tears threatening to fall. "Will you, (Y/N), marry me?" The blonde male said as he opened a box that held a silver ring with little diamonds embedded in it. What fate had brought upon you was beyond what you could imagine, however a life with the male in front of you, was something you would love to imagine.

"Yes... Yes... Yes of course I will Konatsu!" You said as you flung yourself towards him. He caught you and hugged you, before sliding on the ring, which fit perfectly on your ring finger. The situation led you to where you are now, stationed just behind the door which opened up to the isle of which your fiancée stood waiting. Your father gripped you hand and soothed you with comforting words. You started to calm down, however when the doors opened, your breath hitched in your throat and threatened to choke you once again.

You took a deep breath, cleared your windpipe, and followed as your father walked you down the isle. Your younger cousins scattered flower petals onto the floor and sometimes ending up in the guests' hair. When you reach the end of the isle, your father passed you to Konatsu and went back to his seat. As the preacher spoke, you could not help but notice Konatsu's warm hand engulf yours comfortingly. He must have seen your worried face and felt the urge to calm you down.

Finally the time had come, where the preacher binds the two individuals together. "Do you, man and woman, take each other to be your lawfully wedded other half?" The both of you looked to each other, smiled and said,

"I do."


Done. Please read another book by my best friend greedyling  I am doing a collab with her, her doing the odd chaps while i do the even ones. They are short stories, combined into one book.

~lover of fiction

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