Tree Of Us

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Young Mikage x Young Reader

"(Y/N), (Y/N)! Let's play! Let's play!" You chuckled at the blonde that stood before you. Being children, the both of you did not know the priorities in life. So the both of you ran towards the swings hanging on the tree. "I reached here first! So (Y/N) needs go give me a kiss!" Mikage squealed as you grinned beside him. Too giddy to even process the comment, you leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek. You then giggled as Mikage's face turned pink. You then turned around to the tree trunk. You looked up and saw the tree house that your father had built for you. You turned back to the now glowing red blonde before grabbing his hand to capture his attention.

He looked over at you as you grinned and pointed to the tree top. The blush instantly faded as he exclaimed in excitement. You laughed after as he dashed up the tree to get the the tree house. You followed after. You hauled yourself onto the platform, allowing you to see Mikage snuggled in the bean bag that had been brought up here. You chuckled and sat on the other bean bag. Soon Mikage perked up, instantly telling you that he had gotten an idea in that little brain of his. You sat up from your bean bag as you awaited the big idea. "Let's play I spy! It's easier to see things from up here!" He excitedly suggested as he pointed out the window that was in front of you. You gasped and ran to the window to see the amazing view of the same meadow the both of you had been playing in for the past years.

"Is it really the same meadow we play at?" You questioned as you looked at the horizon. It was longer then you remembered. Being on higher ground gave you and advantage on the amount of things that you were able to see. You could hear Mikage grin as he chuckled at your reaction. You turned back and puffed out your cheeks in an attempt to tell him you were not amused. But this only increased the intensity and volume of his laughter. You then turned pink, remembering that you were always the more mature one of the pair. You pouted as Mikage continued his laughing fit. You then walking to a corner and sat down facing to corner.

The laughing stopped, and footsteps approached you. "Why is (Y/N)-chan in the naughty corner? No emo corner either." You were so close to bursting out in a fit of laughter, but reminded yourself that you were mad with the boy. "Why is (Y/N)-chan ignoring me? What did I do wrong?" The boy frantically asked as he turned you around via your shoulders. You could not hold it in, and laughed the moment you were fully turned around. This time it was Mikage's turn to pout and you clutched your stomach while rolling around on the floor. When you finally caught your breath, you wiped at the tears that had formed while obscuring your vision.

You looked up from the floor to see a blushing Mikage. You then put your hand to his head while a grin adorned your face. "No fever... What's gotten to you?" Mikage looked shock. You then stifled a giggle before giving Mikage a hug, unbeknownst to you, his blush grew darker. You then pulled back and brought him to the centre of the tree house where the tree trunk held the house in place. You let go of him and placed your hand on the bark of the tree trunk. He looked at you, puzzled as you smiled gently. You pulled him over and said, "The tree remembers everything about us. Since young we have been friends, played around this very tree, and even got scolded under this tree." You stopped to giggle ad Mikage giggled too. "And it will continue to remember for as long as it lives."

You smiled as you placed your cheek on the bark, as if giving it a hug for being your longest friend. Mikage seemed to understand. You sighed in content before you released the tree. You then held your hands behind your back and turned with a smile on your face to see Mikage resting a hand on the tree and closing his eyes. He then opened his eyes and gave you a wide grin. He raised his arms over his head in a form of a stretch before saying, "I feel refreshed!" He grinned and pulled you to a corner to play with you, all the while with you thinking about the fun times you had with the tree always by both of your sides. This certainly is, in the children's context, the

Tree Of Us.


Happy Valentine's day guys! Sorry its a bit short, but I wanted to make it in time for today.

~lover of fiction

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