You Are Everything

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Hakuren x Reader

"So let us begin with our 30 minutes of fun today." You said as u looked to a blonde male. "(Y/N), you do know that I have less than that right?" The blonde said as he huffed out in annoyance. You beamed and crossed your arms over your chest saying, "Yeah yeah, so lets get going so we don't lose time." Pulling the male out of his home, you chuckled as he muttered words of protests as he was pulled. You knew that if he wanted, he could have easily pulled away. However, he seemed to allow you to pull him to wherever your destination was. This was your childhood with Hakuren Oak. Playing only at specific times, trying your utmost not to get back late, and many other things.

Pulling to a halt under a tree, Hakuren caught up to you and looked at you puzzled. "Is this the place you were talking about?" Hakuren inquired as you let go of his hand allowing him to freely inspect the tree. Grinning, you ran forward and tackled him to the ground. "Wah!" Hakuren let out a yelp and fell along with you. Smiling you hugged him while burying your face in his clothes. A blushing Hakuren emerged and he quickly pushed you off. Cocking your head to the right, you remembered, 'Right... He has a phobia of girls.' This made you chuckle at his actions and the way his face glowed bright crimson.


"(Y/N) can you please behave yourself?" A blonde male said as he heaved a sigh of irritation. You had been bored for the last hour and was not willing to read a book unlike Hakuren who had done that for the past hour. "But Hakuren..." You said in the most whiny voice you could muster. However Castor walked towards you and smiled while you sighed and pulled Hakuren up. The moment you touched him, his book flew three meters in the air while the pages fanned out. By the time it came falling back down, you had your hands at the ready to catch it. Once caught, you brought the book down to eye level and saw that Hakuren was no longer there.

Looking back to Castor, he was a little shocked as the right side of his bishop robes fluttered to its stagnant state. Sighing, you held your head in your right hand as Hakuren peeked from behind Castor. "That condition of yours is getting worse by the day." Castor took this as the cue and moved to the side, exposing the shivering Hakuren, whose hands were held behind his back and his face scrunched up in slight disgust, but most of all a deep scarlet had painted his face. Smiling, Castor said, "You guys can have the rest of the day off. You two seem like you could have a break." At the sound of that suggestion, you beamed and looked over to a horrified Hakuren.

"B-but I-I can't..." You rolled your eyes and held Hakuren's hand in a deadlock. You felt him flinch, but you ignored it and brought him to an open space. You grinned and let go of Hakuren's hand before running in the open field. Reaching the centre of the field, you spun while looking up to the air and giggled at the sight of the sky. 'Finally... Time to do something.' You stopped spinning, and saw the vastness of the field. "You know... I can't be- Hakuren?" You said, but cut yourself off after you turned your head back and realised that Hakuren was missing. "Hakuren?" This time you turned your whole body and scanned the field while you did so.

"Hakuren... This is not funny..." You said as you back up. Taking one step back, you bumped into a solid object. Frozen stiff, your mind was thrown into a frenzy as you tried to figure out whether to run or not. Just as you confused yourself further, a hand grabbed your shoulder. Pulling you out of your scared state, and throwing you into the panicked state. Screaming, you grabbed the figure's wrist and swung the figure around you, and down to the ground. You then pulled the hand behind the figure, and pinned the figure down as you panted. The figure groaned and snapped your mind back to work.

"Oh my gosh Hakuren!" You realised and released him. "Remind me never to scare you again." He said as he rubbed his wrist that was starting to bruise. Felling bad for the blonde, you kneeled down to his sitting figure and took his hand in yours. As he pulled back his hand, you grabbed his palm, and gently pulled it back for you to examine it. "I-I don't need y-your help." Hakuren stuttered as his face flushed red. "Stop protesting and allow me to help." You sighed out and began assessing the extent of damage you had dealt to him. Frowning, you realised that you had hurt your childhood friend when he was supposed to rest on that day.

"I'm sorry Hakuren..." You said suddenly, which caught the said male off guard. "What for?" Hakuren inquired. This was the first time you had taken the initiative to apologise. You had always been very stubborn and never accepted blame, and would even argue it out before you apologised. "For... Not giving you space when you needed it. For not backing off when things got too complicated... And most of all... Sorry for being born." By this time, you were in tears, while cradling Hakuren's injured wrist.


Your hands were forced off his wrist as you fell from kneeling down on the grassy floor, to sitting on your side with your legs at your side, one hand on a red cheek, as your eyes were cast down to view the green floor. Blinking, you stared in shock as reality sunk in. Hakuren had slapped you. "Are you implying that you were a mistake?" Just from that sentence, you could hear him choking back his tears. "Never say you were a mistake. You will never be a mistake... Cause you were always perfect in my eyes." The blonde said, causing your eyes to widen. Perfect and you had never been in the same sentence. Ever. Looking back up, you saw that Hakuren had a trail of fresh tears.

Taking in the situation, you slowly stood back up. By this time, Hakuren had burst into silent tears. Snapping out of half your shock, you pulled him in for an embrace. You were so filled with emotions, you could not help but to pull the blonde in for a hug as both of you cried for teo different reasons. After a moment, warm arms encircled your body, and pulled you closer as he sobbed harder. Gaining some courage, you started to stroke his hair as you smiled with tears still streaking your face. After a while of stroking, Hakuren seemed to have calmed down by the significant decrease in noise. This lead you to believe he had fallen asleep, so you were about to move, when Hakuren launched his head towards yours.

As you moved back in shock, Hakuren pulled you back and held you head in place as his lips met yours. Shocked, you froze for a while before returning the kiss. Pulling away, Hakuren rested his forehead on yours and held your face in his palm. "(Y/N), you are not a mistake. Not now, not ever. So please never say that you should never have been born ever again." Hakuren said with a solemn expression on his face. Realising the seriousness, you looked straight into his eyes and nodded. He then hugged you and whispered one line over and over again.

"You Are Everything."


Alright no. 1 i am so sorry i didnt update earlier. Its cause i had no inspiration till today. No. 2 i am ready to update cause my holidays have started.

~lover of fiction

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