You Bet

142 6 0

Ayanami x Reader

(B/V/Y/N) = Boy's version of your name

You clutched your paperwork closely to your chest, almost slamming into the wall because of all the stress you had been under. Knowing that you were actually a female in the military would get you into deep trouble, and you didn't want that to happen. All your life, you were curious about the benefits of being in the military. That was all. Not the glory, not the hard work that goes into the training and the military as a whole, and definitely not the idea of being surrounded by males. So when you turned another corner and looked up, you almost froze in your spot. A whole group of boys walked in your direction. Knowing well that you had to put up a good front to get past these group of bullies, you steeled your emotions and took long confident strides while clutching the paperwork even closer to your chest. When the group was a few feet in front of you, one of them called out to you. "Hey (B/V/Y/N), where're you going? And in a hurry at that." A smirk was plastered on his face, while members of the group started to notice you. Grins adorned their faces as they started to surround you. You cursed yourself for not paying enough attention to your surroundings, leading to them surrounding you.

"(B/V/Y/N)... Hiromi is asking you a question you dip shit." A boy snarled as he reached for you. Everyone else visibly flinched, knowing that teasing would be okay towards you, but actions, you would retaliate. The male grabbed onto your arm and caused you to drop your paperwork. Everyone shifted back, careful not to step on each other. You calmly looked over at the male and glared at him. All he did was smirk. He moved another hand to grab your face, at that was when you reacted. Raising your free hand, you grabbed onto his moving arm, twisted your arm to firmly grip onto the arm he had grabbed you with, and swiftly kicked his legs out from under him. You then pinned him down with both his arms behind his back, resting your weight on his back to hold him down. He coughed from the shock and the way his body was slammed into the ground that was under him.

You looked up at everyone else and glared. Everyone else took another step back. "Dude... You crazy?" One of the group members whispered slowly to the male that was pinned down. All you did was look at the paperwork that was sprawled all over the floor. You sighed and grabbed the male by the collar and pulled him up. You turned him to face you, and you could see the confusion, fear and every other emotion in his eyes. You snarled and pushed him away from you, causing him to flail his arms out while his body weight was tossed forward. You reached your hand up to your head to feel for your hat that held all your hair. You gasped when you didn't feel it on your head, and frantically started looking around for it. When you saw it on the floor in front of one of the males in the group, you knew you were screwed.

"A... Girl? Wow. Ishida just got beat by a girl..." One of the members you knew as Hibachi started laughing after his statement. Once everyone had registered his sentence, they started laughing too. You slowly picked up you paperwork and pulled down your gloves once the paperwork was safely in the corner of the hallway, under the weight of your hat. You walked back to the center of the ring of boys and placed your hands in your pockets, staring at all of them with no emotion. Only when the weight of Hibachi's words dawn on all of them did every member stop laughing and stare at you. "Wait... A... Girl... In the military? Who let her in? What is she doing here, she's been living with all of us for how long? And we didn't notice?" The group started to murmur within themselves. This was when you pulled both your hands from your pockets and brought out a rubber band, tying up your hair.

Boys lunged at you out of confusion while others ran to get a higher ranking officer to deal with the situation. You jabbed, kicked and knocked out all those who lunged at you, and sighed when most just ran away from you. You walked over to the paperwork, walked off to hand it in as your final piece of work for the military. You left it at the door of one of the student's doors for them to deliver and walked back into the open, with your hat lazily placed on your head to provide nothing but shade from the rays that shone through the glass window, your hair down and flowing in your wake. Hours passed, and more and more people knew of your actual gender, but none of the higher-ups came to confront you. 'Strange... Normally in the first ten minutes of rumours going around, the higher-ups would have already taken action. Now that its been hours, what ever might be hold up?' You got up from your place on a railing that gave you the view of the whole building and walked around to hasten your expulsion up.

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